New york proposing 7 billion in new taxes

Yikes. The tenticles of wealth redistribution are about to touch us all, unless you are a bazillionare. Squeeezed from both sides more or watch rampant inflation in which you pay more. Not sure how this will work out other than massive pain.
So what should one do... pay off all debt, or leverage everything and declare bankruptcy at some point? I owe no one anything. All I have to do is eat and stay warm and dry.
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They are going to lose so many rich over this its not even funny.

You would think watching wall street flee to the south would be a warning to them but nope. Its go time.
Self perpetual death. Rather amazing stoopid.
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I don’t get it. Literally forcing people to leave the sate.
Democrats just think people will hang out and pay. That and they can't do math. Look at Detroit. It has gone form a city of something like 1.8 million (in 1950) to under 700K. High taxes and crime, business run out of town. NAFTA anyone? Democrat 'leadership'.


And the funny thing is that the wealthy that Joe and HeelsUp will be going after have tons of attorneys to safeguard their money. The upside is that you might find some summer house deals in the Hamptons.
Oh she already issued statements fawning all over the stimulus tripe and said that they must have “revenue increases” going forward. She will do what she’s told.

Yellen is probably the most dangerous of Biden‘s cabinet picks.
They are going to lose so many rich over this its not even funny.

You would think watching wall street flee to the south would be a warning to them but nope. Its go time.

The fact is making 1 mil a year in NYC isn’t exactly rich.
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Imagine if states could control state to state immigration....

News Anchor: And in our last segment tonight, incredible video of dozens of poor families from Michigan, Ohio, and Illinois...some with very small children.. bravely crossing the Ohio river in makeshift floats in the hopes they can have a better life in the South. It is sad to see how devoid of material possessions these folks are. Let's hope SICUMM, the Southern Immigration Center for Undocumented "Merican Migrants, will allow these people refuge.
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New Anchor: And in our last segment tonight, incredible video of dozens of poor families from Michigan, Ohio, and Illinois...some with very small children.. bravely crossing the Ohio river in makeshift floats in the hopes they can have a better life in the South. It is sad to see how devoid of material possessions these folks are. Let's hope SICUMM, the Southern Immigration Center for Undocumented "Merican Migrants, will allow these people refuge.

Better come up with a plan to reunite those kids with their parents after we separate them and put them in cages.
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We're also going to have to discuss "anchor babies". If a pregnant northerner gives birth in TN, are we going to recognize them as a southerner?
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We're also going to have to discuss "anchor babies". If a pregnant northerner gives birth in TN, are we going to recognize them as a southerner?
It depends. Give the kid a choice of grits or lutefisk. Their choice determines their status.
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You need to expand on this. Or have I misread you all this time?

Because there will be an even greater mass exodus. Wall Street has already talked about leaving NY. Let the rest wallow in their own failed policies. Just like Biden’s tax corporate increases companies are going to bail or cut jobs or most likely both. Dims can’t get out of their own way.
We're also going to have to discuss "anchor babies". If a pregnant northerner gives birth in TN, are we going to recognize them as a southerner?

Hell no! That’a a right of passage only possible through at least three generations of family lineage, the perfection of the southern drawl for a particular region in the south and the proper respect and appreciation for all things southern, particularly our food.
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Because there will be an even greater mass exodus. Wall Street has already talked about leaving NY. Let the rest wallow in their own failed policies. Just like Biden’s tax corporate increases companies are going to bail or cut jobs or most likely both. Dims can’t get out of their own way.
They won't get out of OUR way.
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