New york proposing 7 billion in new taxes

Oh she already issued statements fawning all over the stimulus tripe and said that they must have “revenue increases” going forward. She will do what she’s told.
I saw her interviewed, at one time I had respect for her, after watching, I think what Joe has in contagious.
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Honestly, it's a state issue. It's not my state, so I don't care. I do care what happens in my state (Virginia). Similar to NY, Fairfax County runs the state of Virginia. But I believe the state house and senate are going to be Red the next election as the democrats have ruined Virginia, and the rest of the state hates it.
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Honestly, it's a state issue. It's not my state, so I don't care. I do care what happens in my state (Virginia). Similar to NY, Fairfax County runs the state of Virginia. But I believe the state house and senate are going to be Red the next election as the democrats have ruined Virginia, and the rest of the state hates it.

I wouldn’t hold my breath on the state turning red.
I wouldn’t hold my breath on the state turning red.
I think most states are a charismatic moderate away from swinging to either side.
Even CA could elect an R like the did with Arnold if Gavin is removed
Honestly, it's a state issue. It's not my state, so I don't care. I do care what happens in my state (Virginia). Similar to NY, Fairfax County runs the state of Virginia. But I believe the state house and senate are going to be Red the next election as the democrats have ruined Virginia, and the rest of the state hates it.
It becomes my problem when the assholes in DC pass bull **** bills like they just did to bail out other mismanaged states. That should be be allowed and I couldn’t care less if they go bankrupt or not.
Check out this beauty....

The tax increases come despite a $100 billion avalanche of fresh federal aid to New York, including $12.6 billion directly to state government coffers.

I thought Dem states were givers, not takers.
Oh plenty on this board have shown that they are not only willing to take it they are willing to grab their ankles for it.
Oh plenty on this board have shown that they are not only willing to take it they are willing to grab their ankles for it.

Wonder if you can refuse the latest stimulus? It goes straight into accounts though.
Oh she already issued statements fawning all over the stimulus tripe and said that they must have “revenue increases” going forward. She will do what she’s told.

Tax NYC, LA, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Minneapolis and Chicago residents first, at 90%. And I'm not talking marginal rates either. Flat as a pancake 90%.

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