Next Up on the Sexual Abuse Front......_________

While I don't like Lizza, this guy got fired because an anonymous person made an claim that is completely unverifiable.
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While I don't like Lizza, this guy got fired because an anonymous person made an claim that is completely unverifiable.

On the bright side a lot of lawsuits will happen in the coming future over these terminations based on literally nothing but innuendo.
Bryan Singer made it into this thread yet?

Basically raping an 18 year old and allowing his buddies to do the same. Hollyweird...
World is out of control. I don't get the fascination with or the turn on of an unwilling participant. These dudes need to find themselves behind a wood shed on the receiving end.
Lie detectors might have a future in politics. The whole he said she said thing comes down to which side can run the biggest smear campaign in court or the media. That is the problem.
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At what point does this go from people coming forward with abuse to political groups finding people to intentionally make bogus claims as a smear campaign against an opponent?
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At what point does this go from people coming forward with abuse to political groups finding people to intentionally make bogus claims as a smear campaign against an opponent?

I think we are already there, But we are America so there is nothing we can do but pick sides.
NFL network and ESPN have suspended Marshall Faulk, Ike Taylor, Heath Evans, Donovan McNabb, and Eric Davis. And more shade thrown at Warren Sapp.

I think this is like living through McCarthyism.
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I wish there was someone who had the time to compile a list of everyone who has faced sexual misconduct allegations since the "MeToo" movement began.

If you do it, I will personally "like" your post. Lol.
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Mark my words the next political race that pits a female versus a're going to see some sort of sexual misconduct thrown at the male, regardless of political association.
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Mark my words the next political race that pits a female versus a're going to see some sort of sexual misconduct thrown at the male, regardless of political association.

I did see some woman running for office and her campaign promise was if elected I will not show you my penis.
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