Next Up on the Sexual Abuse Front......_________

At what point does this go from people coming forward with abuse to political groups finding people to intentionally make bogus claims as a smear campaign against an opponent?

Just look at UT football for similar things. 1) The liar that said stuff about Nilo Silvan effectively ruining his football career. 2) The brain damaged woman that sues everyone for everything that accused Peyton of Tea bagging her. 3) The girl who accused A. J. Johnson and Mike Williams of rape.....then her and her friend promptly "lost" their phones.

These three incidents are prime examples of Brain damaged or lying hoes.
I have been laughed at for saying men get the short end of the stick in the justice system.

I wonder how many of you are still laughing right now?
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Nothing says I'm innocent like committing suicide...

I don't know. Just the allegations are enough to ruin his life whether true or not, which could be cause for suicide. Not saying they're true or not, though.
When do we start identifying by who hasn't sexually assaulted someone and assume everyone else has?
It's saddening to see so many people's livelihood destroyed over unsubstantiated claims. In today's society, men are guilty until proven innocent, hence why men never get due process in these matters.
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If it's true, Roy Moore has served a purpose. That may have been his calling.
Barney Frank is lucky to have crawled under his rock long before this climate rolled in.
He is probably rocking some young boy as we speak.

The good thing for Barney is that there is a statute of limitations on Democrats. There is none for Republicans, especially Roy Moore.
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News came out last week about Harold Ford Jr sexually harassing women. I was working on the hill when he was in Congress and it was known that he had relationships w staffers and supposedly even an intern - but all consensual.
Here's what this has come to. Had a flight attendant the other day make a general comment regarding relationships and then some others made some very benign sexual comments. Then they focused on me and asked my opinion on the subject since I was standing there and the only male in the cabin. My comment, "In light of today's hyper litigious attitude toward men, I refuse to comment in any way on this. I do not want to be accused or want anyone to be able to infer that I may have said anything inappropriate that could cost me my job, retirement or family. Sorry, that's just how it is today." I think they were somewhat stunned and then railed against "the rest of the people" and "society" that has "taken the fun out of everything". Then I asked them if we were all in agreement that I said nothing relating to the subject of the conversation. So yeah, I guess I've been completely neutered at work.
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woman btw, this could start back firing on some agendas real quick.

I'm absolutely stunned that a female demotard bailed on her run because of a sexual harassment claim...

There is hope for Mankind yet!

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