Neyland no longer SEC's biggest

If your primary concern is about the safety of kids, then you should want to keep kids away from sloppy drunks. Far more people become sloppy drunks by drinking liquor than they do beer. If you want to cut down on the number of dangerous drunks in Neyland Stadium, then then the biggest step you could take is to allow beer sales so people will stop drinking so much damn whiskey. All depends on whether you're a pragmatist or a moralist.

Thank you, this was my point exactly.

And to Woodsman, I do drink to have a good time, however, I dont get sloppy drunk and I havent taken alcohol to a game since I started taking my kids bc I dont drink more than a beer with a meal when they are around. I do enjoy drinking and I think you can have a vice as long as you practice moderation. Just as you said you do. I do enjoy bars but again, it's not for the reason of "getting hammered" as it is a social thing. I like playing pool, throwing darts, horseshoes, singing karaoke and watching sports with groups of ppl while enjoying a nice cold beverage.

My point, however, is whether or not you believe in, allow or want beer at football games, it's not going to change a thing in the long term. Ppl will always find a way to do what they want. Personally, I would rather have someone drink a beer out in the open so I know who to keep my kids away from on the stairs. Rather than the guy slipping out his flask and emptying it in his coke. Your avg person is only gonna have 1 or 2 beers at $8 simply bc of the price, whereas, if they bring their own flask, they might drink the whole thing. And your excuse about ppl driving afterwards is just a pointless argument to have. Dont ppl walk down to the strip and drink, cant they drink at restaurants and bars after a game? What's the difference in drinking beer at the game, or directly afterward on the strip and getting in a car? The only one I can think of is that instead of that "vice" money going to my beloved university, it goes to a private business.
I agree with you 100% however, I live in Murfreesboro about 2 and a half hours away from Knoxville so going to a game has to be an all day event. It almost takes a night game out of the question because with the traffic it makes it more like 4 hours away. Also being able to watch it at my house, not having to pay $4 for a bottle of water, and not having to deal with the traffic, it is more comforting watching it at home. I can see Tennessee along with most every school downsizing so we're not sitting on top of each other before adding more seat. With that being said I do try to make it to atleast one game a year. Nothing beats a Saturday in Knoxville.

I only live 5 hrs away in West Tennessee...and I guess our love of the Vols is at a little different level. I spend about $3k on 4 season tickets (incl required donation) and parking pass. Then I head up on Friday...spend 2 nights in a out every meal (although I try to be frugal at that)...don my Big Orange all weekend for the travel and the game..and then get up on Sunday a.m. and do the 5 hr drive back. And it hasn't been always smiles on football weekends the last several years. But, I still love my vols.......I guess just a little more than you love your $4.
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I only live 5 hrs away in West Tennessee...and I guess our love of the Vols is at a little different level. I spend about $3k on 4 season tickets (incl required donation) and parking pass. Then I head up on Friday...spend 2 nights in a out every meal (although I try to be frugal at that)...don my Big Orange all weekend for the travel and the game..and then get up on Sunday a.m. and do the 5 hr drive back. And it hasn't been always smiles on football weekends the last several years. But, I still love my vols.......I guess just a little more than you love your $4.

I wish all fans were as passionate as you and I. Hell I start counting down to football season normally before the Kentucky game is even over lol. The ONE thing that can prevent me from being in Neyland on a game day is a funeral, and only my own. Everyone else will understand! GO VOLS!
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I wish all fans were as passionate as you and I. Hell I start counting down to football season normally before the Kentucky game is even over lol. The ONE thing that can prevent me from being in Neyland on a game day is a funeral, and only my own. Everyone else will understand! GO VOLS!

I used to be like you. I've watched the team play at UCLA then at UGA the very next week. I rarely missed a game.

Fortunately, the team was very good back then. Now that I'm older, I'd rather sit at home for most games.
I used to be like you. I've watched the team play at UCLA then at UGA the very next week. I rarely missed a game.

Fortunately, the team was very good back then. Now that I'm older, I'd rather sit at home for most games.

Haha well luckily for you, you got to experience UT football at the top! I'm 25 and really only became passionate about it when I was around 15. In my 10 years, we've had 6 losing seasons and only 1 SECCG appearance. It really sucks but I'm faithful.
Kyle Field seating: 102,500
Neyland Stadium: 102,455

What's the big deal? I say UT figure out a way to increase the seating capacity by 46 and be done with it.
I don't think any significant changes will happen inside Neyland. If they want to remodel, I'd suggest working on the bathrooms. I hear that constantly from my wife and to be honest, thank god I've only had to pee during the game!
I wish all fans were as passionate as you and I. Hell I start counting down to football season normally before the Kentucky game is even over lol. The ONE thing that can prevent me from being in Neyland on a game day is a funeral, and only my own. Everyone else will understand! GO VOLS!

Wait till you have kids. I've lived down here in SC for 7 years now and I was going to 5 or 6 games a year till 2 years ago when we had our daughter.

I'll make the UF and UGA games this year and depending on how the seasons going I may make the short trip to Columbia.

I love living here but I wish I lived closer so it was easier.
Wait till you have kids. I've lived down here in SC for 7 years now and I was going to 5 or 6 games a year till 2 years ago when we had our daughter.

I'll make the UF and UGA games this year and depending on how the seasons going I may make the short trip to Columbia.

I love living here but I wish I lived closer so it was easier.

What part of SC are you in??
In a few years, when UT starts winning big, fatcat boosters can pump in big money and get the stadium enlarged to be the biggest in the country.
They'll have us beat by 45 seats. 102,500 to 102,455. Surely we can add 50 more seats somewhere for a reasonable amount of money.
I just read that TAMU's stadium, not Neyland is now the biggest stadium in the SEC. This is kind of sad. I always thought that Neyland would be the top dog.

Is the size of a stadium really that important to folks? Just want to get back to winning again. The size of our BB arena has not made us there it is.
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They'll have us beat by 45 seats. 102,500 to 102,455. Surely we can add 50 more seats somewhere for a reasonable amount of money.

102,455 is stadium capacity, NOT seating capacity. Actual seats in Neyland are about 101,800. That's why Bama put in 101,821 seats last renovation.
As a college student with pretty much zero cash at any given time, I can tell you right now what they could do to put more college butts in the seats.

Do whatever it takes to fix WiFi and cellular service issues at the stadium. Spare no expense on this. This is 2014. It is completely unacceptable for an expensive phone that's practically tethered to our hands in this day and age to become a useless brick at any point within a half-mile radius of the stadium. It's literally a black hole of phone coverage. People, particularly students and young adults, reach each other through texting and social media these days; it's a little crazy but its the way things are done. I shouldn't have to walk all the way back to the damn Rock to be able to call my brother to tell him to meet me at Gate ____ with our tickets. Social media creates a flurry of activity, a snowball if you will. People posting pictures of themselves having a great time at the game will make other students want to go to the games. I know it sounds insane, but trust me. Kids these days have deep-rooted FOMO and this is the way they think these days. Again, this is 2014 and there are no excuses not to get this done.

There's a couple more things I could include, like stopping the unnecessary and pointless cracking down on Fraternity Row and student partying on game weekends, lowering the price of student guest tickets, and offering students incentives to attend, but the reception is the biggest one.
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102,455 is stadium capacity, NOT seating capacity. Actual seats in Neyland are about 101,800. That's why Bama put in 101,821 seats last renovation.

They use capacity to rank the size of the stadium. I shouldn't have used the word "seats". Sorry for the confusion.
In a few years, when UT starts winning big, fatcat boosters can pump in big money and get the stadium enlarged to be the biggest in the country.

They just downsized Neyland because of the 'fatcats'. Took out seating to make more expensive clubhouse suites for the upper crust.
If anything Neyland needs to shrink. Seat space is too small.

And agree, no room for expansion.
I would think the trend now is down sizing because of increasing cost to fans and bigger and better TV's for home use.:cray:
For 1 marquis game per year...but other than that I'd rather stay home.

I used to go to almost every game, but as I get older and the team isn't what it used to be it's more a convenience factor to watch at home.
So basically you only support the team when they win...
So basically you only support the team when they win...

No, not at all. I just don't go to as many games as I used to. I don't want to go that many games. Honestly, I like watching the games at home. I can go to the beach, hang out at my pool, grill out, etc.

It costs a lot of $$$ to go to games when you live 11 hours from Knoxville.

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