Neyland no longer SEC's biggest

No matter how hard they TRY to improve their game day experience... they ALL know knoxville is king and it's not really close.

Somebody better invent some "black curtains" for a football stadium and copy A&M, LSU on the email. Just sayin.
I've said this before on here but it is physically painful for me to watch a whole game in Neyland. There just isn't enough room and having a bad back just makes it unpleasant. I LOVE the experience but physically its just not worth it when you add in the cost of gas, etc.
No matter how hard they TRY to improve their game day experience... they ALL know knoxville is king and it's not really close.

Somebody better invent some "black curtains" for a football stadium and copy A&M, LSU on the email. Just sayin.

I'm completely flabbergasted that it took the majority of our fanbase that long to figure out Dooley was a moron.

He wasn't the guy I wanted, but I threw my support to him. It's what I do...right or wrong. There's always the hope that there's a turnaround in store that makes you overlook the gaffs and a degree. He was ours and I defended him until that moment when he quit...and quit he did. Then I quit defending and supporting him. No way you don't at least try to win with almost a minute on the clock at way. He quit then I quit him.
One of the problems UT faces in spending the money for upgrades is that the stadium is only used 8 times per year.

Does Knoxville still have an insanely high entertainment tax? If so, the city should cut that to get more things going on in the stadium...summer concerts, etc.

Jerry Jones spent $1Billion on that stadium but look at the number of events held there. There is something going on all the time.

I remember when the Carolina Panthers played their 1st season at Clemson. The NFL made the Panthers/ Clemson install beer lines to serve beer. I know fans are worried about drunken fans but $8 beers generates a ton of $$$.

I agree with this 100%!!!! The entertainment tax K-town has is absurd. They should have HUGE concerts there!!! I mean bring in people who can seel that place out like The Stones, Madonna, Zac Brown, Timberlake, Chesney, etc. Have a summer concert series or an all day concert with like 8 bands featuring huge names...people love live music and will pay big $$$$!! you could bring in 75K people easily and could make a huge chunk of coin...
Are you nuts!? Economically, you're right. But we already have issues with fans acting like creatures with centipedes for brains. Add alcohol and and even the centipede takes a leave of absence. We have kids at games and don't need to jeopardize them with enabling jackasses who enter the twilight zone for jackasses when drunk. i don't alcohol spilled on me or a kid, I don't want to have to knock the 'hail" out of anyone for being rude and obnoxious, I don't want to see a kid hurt during an alcohol fueled shuffle, i don't want a drunk falling on me, my wife, or some kid. or some drunk jerk fall to his or her death down the steep steps or over a railing to the section below. The revenue isn't worth the misery that comes with it. It's bad enough with people sneaking liquor in right now.

The reason people sneak liquor in is because they can't buy beer in the stadium. So instead of drinking three beers, they drink a pint of whiskey and get much drunker than they otherwise would. I've seen far more people passed out and/or throwing up drunk at college games than I ever have at pro events where beer is sold. Nobody pounds whiskey at NFL games.
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Agree completely. When you can stay home and catch every play at multiple angles, rewind, and pause the game at your leisure on a 50" HD and avoid traffic, why would you actually go to the game?

Because the SEC starts showing games on its network that I'm not buying. I will always root for the Vols, but if the SEC gets too greedy ill just watch someone else.
IIRC, A&M is only going to have like 50 more seats than us. This news broke months ago, maybe longer. It'll still be fun to go to games and hopefully Neyland Stadium's volume gets back to what it should be.

We should put like 51 more seats in just to vault them and go back and forth like we were doing for years with Michigan...

It's only 45 more seats than Neyland. If we wanted to squeeze in 46 more seats just for the sake of keeping the title I'm sure we could somewhere. Truth is though we average around 96,000 per game give or take and only sell out maybe one to two games a year.
I'm curious which SEC team will be the first to go to a state of the art dome style stadium like a lesser version of Jerry World or Lucas Oil Stadium.
I don't care how good your surround sound is...there's nothing better than hearing 100k people sing Rocky Top at the game. There's just no equivalent.

My comfy couch, spread of food and plethora of beer in the fridge would disagree. :)
The reason people sneak liquor in is because they can't buy beer in the stadium. So instead of drinking three beers, they drink a pint of whiskey and get much drunker than they otherwise would. I've seen far more people passed out and/or throwing up drunk at college games than I ever have at pro events where beer is sold. Nobody pounds whiskey at NFL games.

Just like gun laws. If a criminal wants to get a gun they're going to get a gun illegally. They're criminals.

If I want to drink alcohol before/during a game, I'm going to even if they don't sell it in the stadium. They might as well allow beer sales and make some money off of it.
I had to look it up, I thought Bryan-Denny had passed us with there last upgrade. Honestly, we could probably only fill a 75-80k stadium. This aint the 90s boys. Nobody wants to drop a couple hundo and an entire Saturday to watch our beloved vols get molested by pretty much everyone is the sec.
I had to look it up, I thought Bryan-Denny had passed us with there last upgrade. Honestly, we could probably only fill a 75-80k stadium. This aint the 90s boys. Nobody wants to drop a couple hundo and an entire Saturday to watch our beloved vols get molested by pretty much everyone is the sec.

Dude...we had 70k at the Orange & White game (a glorified practice).

Step back from the ledge, everything is going to be ok.
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When the Vols are back on top we can worry about stadium capacity. At the moment most games aren't selling out anyway so it's kind of a moot point. If they are going to do anything the need to take that brick wall behind the end zones out move it back further. I love going to games as much as anybody but it is extremely expensive. I live in the Tri so I can go to a game and come back that night and still can't afford to go to more than a couple of games a year. Even if I could I have a ten month old and have to be on call to work a couple weekends during the season. I can't exactly bring my laptop and talk to customers from my seat during the middle of a game. Going to every game just isn't feasible for most people.
When the Vols are back on top we can worry about stadium capacity. At the moment most games aren't selling out anyway so it's kind of a moot point. If they are going to do anything the need to take that brick wall behind the end zones out move it back further. I love going to games as much as anybody but it is extremely expensive. I live in the Tri so I can go to a game and come back that night and still can't afford to go to more than a couple of games a year. Even if I could I have a ten month old and have to be on call to work a couple weekends during the season. I can't exactly bring my laptop and talk to customers from my seat during the middle of a game. Going to every game just isn't feasible for most people.

The games really aren't expensive. I live 6 1/2 hours away and I still attend 4 or 5 games a year. For the lower tier games, you can get a pair of tix for like $75, and about $150 for a solid SEC game (USC, UGA, Mizz). Get downtown early enough to grab a good tailgate spot and free parking, and the battle is over. I hate when people play the "too expensive to attend" card, because it really is affordable.

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