i never said that TX didn't have talent....sure they did. i was just saying that had TX not had V Young, they wouldn't have been what they were the past couple of years....you have to admit, the plays he made in many of thier games with his feet and, at times, his arm, they wouldn't have won the NC....(btw, i still don't think he has so called NFL arm or throwing motion, but under the watchfull eye of Norm Chow, he should be able to learn)
No arguement about the talent TX has/had....it was very good....i just think that USC would have done as good as they did whether they had ML or not....i can't say the same about TX and VY....just my opinion. I'm not goint to say that USC had better talent, cause if they did have that much better talent, they probably should have beatent TX....but i do think that USC could have gotten to that game with or w/out ML a the helm...a feat that i don't think TX could have done, much less win the NC, w/out V young.