NFL or Bust??

I sifted through 10 pages of this "stuff" to finally realize that HAT is sarcastic, Eric just wants to BELIEVE, and a few other folks like to take jabs at who ever is losing the fight.

lol i agree with you 100%..... i like eric's point of view on having high character players. this is the definition of character, "Moral character or character is an evaluation of a particular individual's durable moral qualities. The concept of character can imply a variety of attributes including the existence or lack of virtues such as integrity, courage, fortitude, honesty, and loyalty, or of good behaviors or habits. Moral character primarily refers to the assemblage of qualities that distinguish one individual from another - although on a cultural level, the set of moral behaviors to which a social group adheres can be said to unite and define it culturally as distinct from others." now hadn't you rather have players with character qualities like eric berry and peyton manning had? they pushed their teammates, themselves and stayed out of trouble. however IMO we do not have to sign 25 high character players in this class. we need a solid foundation of them to put the players with less character in line when they are wrong and to push them in workouts and practice. i believe that's what makes a team is several high character players and the rest are less character higher quality athletes....
This whole character argument has become very similar to the arguments that we heard about Kiffin last year. We have gone from "Kiffin shoots his mouth off and breaks rules on purpose" to "Dooley is purposely recruiting from the Beta Club". Dooley, like Kiffin last year is simply trying to fill a class. If he doesn't fill it with enough athletes, he isn't going to be around for year four.
I'd much rather have a team full of 3 stars that lay it on the line, than a team full of 4 and 5 stars that only come to play half the time. The 3 stars will always prevail in this scenario.

You just may get your wish if things stay level. Great effort guys. Sorry about the scoreboard though.
you think maybe some of these guys who got 5 star rankings got said rankings because they worked their butt off in HS? or is college the only place where effort matters?

and btw a 5 star athlete is 5 times more likely to be an nfl player than a 3 star athlete. the reason why there are as many 2 and 3 stars as 5 stars that make the nfl is because rivals/etc ranks the majority of players 2 or 3 stars.
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This argument can not be won by either side, maybe that is why it is so fun to watch you all try.
The fact the rosters of every recent National Champion is loaded with 4 and 5 star guys who went on to the NFL pretty much "wins" the debate. Let me know when a bunch of work hard, Pep club types win anything of substance.
Why argue with a guy about character when he said that even if a teams wins 5-6 games it's still a great team?

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