Nice win but the defense is still not good...

Gotta say I agree with you. They may have done superb in causing turnovers but they were rubber bands ready to snap in every other facet. I was very surprised since this WKU team is nowhere near as fast and physical as the SEC teams we'll face soon.

Our defenders still took bad angles at times and poor tackling. I really liked that Jones actually made some adjustments though and that tells me that he and this staff aren't clowns like their predecessors. Long way to go before we hit the 8&9 win mark, IMO.

How long before we hit the 8-9 win mark?
i do say i loved there hustle,but the announcers where calling the wide open spots in the defensive back field,so i don't think that will bode well,but what do i know :)

Go Vols

and it is pretty much the same bunch as last year,I will be nice and say they didn't get an A for effort,on doth sides of the ball
Western Kentucky rang up 400 yards of offense, including 200 running the ball. Is that good defense? SEC QBs are not going to help us with 5 INTs.

I felt the same way until the second half. The O stank up the 1st half and gave Petrino the ball too much. I think UT won the second half like 300 yds to 140 and 21 pts to 3.

Some of those rush yards came because UT went too soft at one point during the 2nd half thinking WKU had to pass.
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i do say i loved there hustle,but the announcers where calling the wide open spots in the defensive back field,so i don't think that will bode well,but what do i know :)

Not saying it isn't a real problem... but that's pretty much what Petrino does. He's done it everywhere he's been. The drop off at Arkansas without him was profound... he has a unique talent as an OC.
I find it interesting that the biggest preseason concern on defense was the secondary & they are hands down the strength of the unit through 2 games.
How long before we hit the 8-9 win mark?

If I had to guess? I'd say 2-3 years minimum. If it happens this year with our schedule it'll be a miracle. Next year we replace our strongest unit, the o-line. I'd say 2015 season we see 8 or 9 wins. I'm not saying we don't see 6-7 this year or next, I just don't see us ending the season in the top 25 before 2015. Again, IMO. I would LOVE to be proven wrong.
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I thought our tackling for the most part was very good. Petrino created open plays. Many times the one guy we had to get the guy; got the guy. I remember many years of UT defenses; DB's in particular, throwing a shoulder instead of wrapping up. Today I saw most guys get the tackle.
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Most negative posts seem to have the theme of even though Vols won 52-20 they are not good enough on D, at QB, fill in the blank to beat Oregon or the top teams in SEC. Wow the insight brought to this board is just astounding! Who would have known?
Has nothing to do with the topic, but dang if Texas doesn't look like we us from last year.
Defense has some soft areas but to say they are no good is simply a disservice. They are not GREAT yet.. but they are not bad. That Defense today had a Gandolf the Gray attitude.... "You shall not pass"

On those end zone INTs this is what I thought of

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The defense looks really good. They are getting pretty good pressure and being very disruptive ...which contributed on the turnovers.

The schemes placed the DBs in position to jump routes . Gang tackling and stripping technique caused a turnover.

Not to mention that they took a bend but dont break approach . This is appropriate for the inexperience on the secondary ...not to mention that some of the most successful defenses in the history of the game have used this approach.

Coaches and players should get alot of props for forcing so many turnovers and adjusting in the 2nd half to slow and shut down the O. CBP is viewed as an offensive genius by many , so this was no small task.

When it comes to defense ...the only stat that is important is the scoreboard.
We forced 7 turnovers and people are saying our D isn't good.... Seriously?!?! Guess we should try going back to last years defense.

Everyone whining all week on how WKU may beat us. We win 52-20 with 7 turnovers forced and fans still want to criticize the team. Makes me sick

It's the way the game was won. I for one didn't come out of the game convinced that we would of easily won it if wku didn't have one of the worst turnover quarters in the history of college football. Yes it's good for the win but it was basically handed to us by piss poor judgment on their qb and running backs fumbling the ball.
It's the way the game was won. I for one didn't come out of the game convinced that we would of easily won it if wku didn't have one of the worst turnover quarters in the history of college football. Yes it's good for the win but it was basically handed to us by piss poor judgment on their qb and running backs fumbling the ball.

So they get no credit for forcing turnovers? They get no credit for being properly coached then properly applying that coaching? Usually a D that can create turnovers is given respect... you use it to cheapen a good win.

UT dominated the 2nd half. They outscored WKU 21-3 and outgained them roughly 300-140. IOW's, with or without the turnovers, this was a 20 pt Vol win over a Petrino coached team that returned its best players from a bowl season last year.
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Time of possession was huge in the first half. Defense was on the field for 20 minutes. They got gassed and things broke down a little. A lot more concerned over the QB situation and the offense.

This cannot be overlooked. The first half was just plain weird. Defense was on the field A LOT. Croom drops Worley's best throw of the first half (a TD pass at that), and they get the blocked punt on some questionable coaching calls.

What was absolutely inspiring though was we came out in the second half and immediately stamped our authority on the game. That never, ever happened in the Dooley era. The coaching mistakes - fixed. The offensive rhythm - fixed. It was our first real look at the CBJ regime with some adversity, and they passed with straight As.

I don't think there is any doubt that Dooley and Co would have lost to WKU even with seven TOs. Butch and Co won by 32.
There is a difference is turnovers and forcing a TO. No question, Sutton's and Sapp forced those.

I thought the biggest dissapointment was line play. Dan "puddin" McCullers needs to be a man. He has the size to collapse the pocket.
The one thing I saw was that the coverage in the secondary was very good. The problem was no pressure on the QB and he had all day to throw. The linebackers were ok I think they can play better. Overall certainly better than last year not even close.

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