We went thru about a year of my son having them every night but they've slowed down. He always screamed he was falling in the water and then yelled "save me!" over and over. In the morning he would always ask us if we would save him if he fell in the water. Very helpless feeling for us as parents. They've slowed to maybe once or twice a month
It's the absolute worst feeling and you just can't wake them up. You have to just keep them safe and wait for it to end.
Yep I just made sure he didn't hurt himself and then he would roll over like nothing happened. My wife couldn't handle it very well
However if you want to see how fast you can get out of bed just have your 2yo scream "help" or "save me" at 2am. I was an Olympic level sprinter and hurdler the first few times I heard it
Just curious if anyone else here suffers from them. Me, my dad, and my youngest son all have them. I started getting them around the age of 10 and I will have at least 4 or 5 a week.
They are usually always the same. I hafe awaken to see and feel Brown Recluse spiders all over me or wake up seeing Grey Aliens all around me.
Sleep apnea is known to cause things like that.
I started getting them when I was young. They were the worst when I was a paramedic. I had to give it up after 4 years. I also came up in a violent and abusive home so I'm sure that contributes too but odd thing is I never remember any dreams about my childhood, but my wife says that I do have them.Are you dealing with your stress and anger issues? That is where i would start. Also try using some essential oils like lavender, that seems top have helped my wife.
Speaking of this, I wear a mouth guard on my bottom teeth to help with it and grinding my teeth. Occasionally (I'm guessing) it comes loose in my sleep, and I'll dream that I'm choking on it. I keep pulling it out but something keeps putting back in. I'll fight this for a couple minutes till I finally wake up, and the mouth guard will be laying beside me.
As for meds, I am no doctor, but for my stress/anxiety/depression, they switched me to Trazodone, and a side-effect is that you sleep like a baby. You might want to check into it. Good luck, brotha.