Nirvana Sued For Sexual Exploitation

Ironically, this doofus is just supporting the point Nirvana was going for with that cover 30 years ago: from beginning to end, life in America is a money grab.
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So whoever cast this guy as "money-hungry baby" knew that, even then, this baby is a real piece of work who would do anything for a buck and will one day grow up to be a greedy parody of himself?

That is what Alanis Morrissette would call ironic.
She would... if she knew what the word actually meant.

Rain on your wedding day, the good advice that you just didn't take, the free ride when you're already late, the black fly in your Chardonnay and Mr. Play-it-safe who was afraid to fly saying, "Well isn't this nice," as the plane crashed down are bummers... but not examples of irony.

Alanis is a moron... but "Jagged Little Pill" was unstoppable in 1995 - 1996.
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My wife and I were just talking about this album cover and how it would never fly today. Kid should sue his parents.
I have always thought it was strange not to use a baby girl for that shot. The same message would have been conveyed. It's a dumb thing to sue anyone over though.

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