Nirvana Sued For Sexual Exploitation


First off, WTF? A baby sex worker? You have got to be f’n kidding me!

Second, this douche bag has actually done photo shoots profiting off of this even though he literally did jack squat to gain any notoriety.

Finally, if he wants to not be in the spotlight stop doing photo shoots and shut the f up. No one would care who he is or even know who he is without him running his mouth. Nirvana should tell this guy to shove it.
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First off, WTF? A baby sex worker? You have got to be f’n kidding me!

Second, this douche bag has actually done photo shoots profiting off of this even though he literally did jack squat to gain any notoriety.

Finally, if he wants to not be in the spotlight stop doing photo shoots and shut the f up. No one would care who he is or even know who he is without him running his mouth. Nirvana should tell this guy to shove it.
Dude obviously needs some Lithium.
How is he going to handle all of the old videos of him saying he's fine with it when it goes to court?

This case is going to get crushed. He has been profiting off that image for 30 years and now he's broke and traumatized. He claims a “lifelong loss of income-earning capacity.” He also completely ignores the fact that his image likely had a negligible impact on sales and instead claims essentially the picture was what made that album.
This is just Dumb. Dude blew it and should have been told to just Stay Away. If he was smart he would have just enjoyed his Old Age while living On A Plain somewhere and smelled the roses while they were In Bloom while drinking some PennyRoyal Tea. Now he’s just another Endless, Nameless Negative Creep who looks like he’s out to Drain You or anyone else he can.

Next up some girl Polly while try to sue after her name usage.
This is just Dumb. Dude blew it and should have been told to just Stay Away. If he was smart he would have just enjoyed his Old Age while living On A Plain somewhere and smelled the roses while they were In Bloom while drinking some PennyRoyal Tea. Now he’s just another Endless, Nameless Negative Creep who looks like he’s out to Drain You or anyone else he can.

Next up some girl Polly while try to sue after her name usage.
Post of the thread.

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This is just Dumb. Dude blew it and should have been told to just Stay Away. If he was smart he would have just enjoyed his Old Age while living On A Plain somewhere and smelled the roses while they were In Bloom while drinking some PennyRoyal Tea. Now he’s just another Endless, Nameless Negative Creep who looks like he’s out to Drain You or anyone else he can.

Next up some girl Polly while try to sue after her name usage.

You know you're right.
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