No Black Coaches

If we can use this as a hammer, let's beat the dog crap out of them. Jesse Jackson and the Durham, NC DA sure made a living with it. CUM deserves it.
The Florida coaching staff.


Stare into the picture long enough...what do you see?

Look closer...closer...yep...

"Volnation" is written in the flames.
Stare into the picture long enough...what do you see?

Look closer...closer...yep...

"Volnation" is written in the flames.
The Vols wore BLACK jersies this year.

When did the Gators wear black? They didn't because Urban Meyer doesn't like black anything!!!
I heard that they had to send a second EMS team the night he went to the hospital. The first team had a black member on it and his wife would not let them in the house.
The Vols wore BLACK jersies this year.

When did the Gators wear black? They didn't because Urban Meyer doesn't like black anything!!!

Yep, and a few of our racist fans hated the black jersey's -- especially when they saw our pure, white christian athletes dawning that God awful color. They immediately thought: black on white.

Nothing like a little double entendre for our a small portion of our racist fanbase.
I heard that they had to send a second EMS team the night he went to the hospital. The first team had a black member on it and his wife would not let them in the house.

I heard to conceal his identity as he left in a stretcher he put on a white hood. On the back of the hood it read, "Volnation."

Does it boggle your mind, Volnation?
He stole it from Saban at "Timmy's initiaton ceremony"........nobody wanted any on their face or to be seen
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Cam Newton was a much better QB than Tim Tebow.

He was let go because of the color of his skin. Racist so racist.

im not denying the point of this post but newton was let go because of breaking and entering and his stupid decision to steal a laptop.
Urban hates black dogs.

He won't eat pepper.

He only drives on dirt or gravel roads, refusing to let the tires on his pickup get soiled from blacktop.
Stare into the picture long enough...what do you see?

Look closer...closer...yep...

"Volnation" is written in the flames.

I think that I can make out 3 or 4 of the hostesses as well. They are holding up a sign it says ........
im not denying the point of this post but newton was let go because of breaking and entering and his stupid decision to steal a laptop.

If you look deep into the screen of the will say "Volnation".

Look into your own heart "trevols81" (if that really is your name) may see the very words Volnation burning into your hateful soul.

Pigs the whole lot of you.

I cast the away, Vilenation!
This is one of the most ignorant threads ever. Is UF racist? are other posters on here racist? and most of what I read was just ignorant fluff. the one post on here said you should hire the best man for the job regardless of race and he was called racist for that. Yet in reality, that is the least racist post I read. Isn't that the goal - all equal regardless of race?? If a person of color is the best for the job - hire him/her...if its a white person, hire him/her. Race should not affect how one is viewed for a job, in life, in anything.

You know what's racist? the rule imposed by white NFL executives that NFL owners and GM's must interview at least one person of color for every job opening. That is does NOTHING to improve equality. Most teams target a Coach and then grant token interviews to a current coordinator and then a minority candidate for compliance purposes - then give the job to an established white head coach with years of experience. Same in the NCAA - they follow a similar policy. But little progress is made.

What the rule and all it implies is racist...its basically saying that minority candidates are probably not deserving of an interview based on merit alone - so we are going to force you to interview them any way....just so it looks good. There are plenty of minority coaches who would be great to lead programs and who should get a shot based not on a rule, or on color, but on merit..on what they can do and have accomplished.

I honestly look forward, maybe naively to a day when we never have to wonder is he a minority coach, a white coach, did Strong marry a white woman...who cares - there is one race...the human race. accept it and put all this crap away.

As far as should other schools use that as a recruiting point - i think you can figure out I'm going to say no...that just keeps racist thinking going and adds to the problem - solves nothing

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