No Black Coaches

My friend,

Surely you saw I was joking. Nowhere did I attempt to make a logical, well-thought-out argument.

that I noticed - it was overwhelmingly apparent...I hadn't read a bunch of your prior posts to sense your tone, and I guess in my own Ire and passion for the topic I did, in fact, miss the fact you were joking. I apologize for that, though in my defense...lack of logical, well thought out arguments do not stop many many many people on here from posting their drivel.
people who continually point out racism are more racist than anyone. Until you can just look at the player, coach, or whoever as just a guy trying to do a job, then you are more guilty of racism than the university.
that I noticed - it was overwhelmingly apparent...I hadn't read a bunch of your prior posts to sense your tone, and I guess in my own Ire and passion for the topic I did, in fact, miss the fact you were joking. I apologize for that, though in my defense...lack of logical, well thought out arguments do not stop many many many people on here from posting their drivel.

No apologies necessary. I learned the hard way not to take VolNation too seriously. I only flame the Fulmerites now. (You'll see me do it plenty in the football forum, and I'm usually not very nice about it.)

This thread is a breath of fresh air -- and one that occasionally gets started -- to relieve some of the serious moods and attitudes that a lot of people display.

And you're definitely right: logic and rational thought are not the trademarks of many posters. Search hard and find the good posters. There are plenty on here.

Welcome to The Nation.
I know one African-American (and he's white). Everyone else are just Americans of different race. Does that make me a racist?
It's unfair to say that you have to have a person employed based on their skin man gets the job, regardless of skin color...hate the race card.

You either don't know REAL black people or you are not black? A black President shows progress not equality.
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Who cares... black kids are going to play for the best coaches, regardless of race. Take a look at the HBCUs. Horrible football, all black. If black players were so adamant about playing for black coaches, HBCU football wouldn't be so terrible.

PS I always get tickled when I see the term HBCU colleges. Imagine the uproar if we had HWCU colleges. Then I realized, that's probably the rest of the universities in the nation.

There is a factor that I can play where I have a way better chance to be Multimillionaire. The Greatest WR and Titans best player ever are from HBCU.
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Those black people caused Urban to have heart issues.

Of course he's going to be a racist and be bitter.
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How many people will get angry at absurdity and sarcasm on this thread?

I have a feeling it's the same people that watch "Search for the Holy Grail" and think it's a documentary.
its unfair, although if it works against them and in favor of UT, I am ok with it.


I know for damn sure that Queen Urban would use it if the shoe was on the other foot.
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THe NAACP plans to hold a protest on the UF campus to "bring to light" the issue of CUM's racism and the fact that the interim job has been "handed" to a white man.
That is the most MORONIC thing I have ever heard. Hope I dont get suspended but your an idiot!!!

I think that you will be OK there Bo. It is a shame though, that people can not pick up on the COMPLETELY sarcastic tone of this thread.
Wow i hope this whole thread is a joke.

The thread is not a joke. The subject was actually brought up on ATL radio yesterday.
The "joke" is that people think that the responses are real.
We have had some real doozies!
VN should be proud of our "defense against the DARK arts".

Whoever has the "time-machine" that just took us back to 1980...please let me borrow it.

This is stupid. Is there some racist activities...sure...always will be with some on both sides. But to think that a University would not hire someone because of the color of their skin in this day and age...with all the pressure of winning and absurd!

Buck Belue is a moron. without H. one would know who he was.

Even if a coach WAS would still want some (if they that man was the best for the job) african-american coaches because the vast majority of college players are african-american. This is a ridiculous notion. College coach's egos are much bigger than any racist ideas they have! Winning is the only thing they care about!
Belue was not commenting on the hiring of coaches.....the point he made was......other schools will use the fact that UF "currently" has no AA coaches on staff, against them......Belue was not speaking of the hiring practices of UF or any other school....the question is, is this form of "negative recruiting" fair to use against them WHILE they do not have any AA coaches on staff

I do agree with the "Belue is a moron" comment.

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