No More Tweeting for Donny

Regarding #2 let’s analyze the facts.

1) Michelle Obama calls for Trump to be banned by Silicon Valley on 1/7

2) Twitter suspends both the personal and official government accounts of Trump on 1/8

3) Twitter purges thousands of accounts from their platform on 1/8. I’ve seen the number 70,000 accounts cited, but not sure of the exact number. Apparently banning this man also means banning a large number of his supporters as well.

4) The “conservative” platform Parler was widely speculated as a potential landing spot for Trump on social media

5) Parler was experiencing record growth when Apple and Google removed the app from their stores.

1/8 Google bans Parler

Google bans Parler from Android app store

1/9 Apple removes Parler from App Store

Apple Suspends Parler From App Store Until ‘Dangerous And Harmful Content’ Resolved

1/11 Amazon ends hosting services

Amazon drops Parler from its web hosting service, citing violent posts

Apparently the powers that be in Silicon Valley have decided (or complied with the decision) that all content that fails to align with their own views will ultimately be on the chopping block (warnings, disclaimers, suspensions, bans, etc)

If you agree with what’s happening then you’re anti-freedom IMO
Well after destroying the wills of the people by keeping them separated, killing the education system by forcing at home learning, driving the unemployment through the roof by closing businesses, government takeover of media outlets is the next step. It's coming together just like they planned.
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Google, Twitter and Facebook have admitted under oath they communicate with each other on "security issues" and some of the members called out the programs used for it. Removing the competition from Google and Apple store and then the server services with Amazon who controls about 50% of the hosting requires strong inquiry and potentially antitrust.

So why can't Parler find a host if Amazon only controls 50%?


Could it be that Parler is just FOS?

Not much of a leg to stand on if Parler is violating the ToS.

Didn't AWS give Parler time to submit a detailed explanation on how they were going to police the site against users continuing to threaten violence and insurrection?

Does AWS make the other sites they host submit this same plan?
So why can't Parler find a host if Amazon only controls 50%?


Could it be that Parler is just FOS?

"Only controls 50%" Do you even hear yourself? Because the next biggest one is like a 6% share and the rest are really small. Parler, if expected to compete with twitter, needs more than a small collection of servers to host millions of interactions an hour.

Who do you think controls the market share on smart phones and how much do you think Apple has?
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Does AWS make the other sites they host submit this same plan?

I'd wager if Tinder or Our Time were being used to stage an insurrection against the U.S. Government or was being used to call specific targets of violence without moderation, they'd face the same sort action.

You fellas' need to stop acting like people were just reading bible versus to each other on Parler.
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Alot of folks complain about limited cellphone options but Apple has 11.8% of the market share. Most is 22.7% by Samsung as of the 3Q of 2020. A 50% share is significantly too high in anything. "only 50%"
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I'd wager if Tinder or Our Time were being used to stage an insurrection against the U.S. Government or was being used to call specific targets of violence without moderation, they'd face the same sort action.

You fellas' need to stop acting like people were just reading bible versus to each other on Parler.
Twitter was used and had been used before for calls to violence. I'm on their side as a private business but they should have the guts to admit why one was singled out
I'd wager if Tinder or Our Time were being used to stage an insurrection against the U.S. Government or was being used to call specific targets of violence without moderation, they'd face the same sort action.

You fellas' need to stop acting like people were just reading bible versus to each other on Parler.
Twitter was used to stage riots against federal courthouses, private business, harassment of elected officials at their homes. So it's already proven that it wouldn't happen.
Twitter was used and had been used before for calls to violence. I'm on their side as a private business but they should have the guts to admit why one was singled out

They were probably signaled out because there was a riot at the U.S. Capitol.

Going out on a limb...
Twitter was used to stage riots against federal courthouses, private business, harassment of elected officials at their homes. So it's already proven that it wouldn't happen.

Twitter has banned lots of people for various reasons, including inciting violence. The outrage over the belief that the first ban occurred on January 7th is falling on deaf ears.
They were probably signaled out because there was a riot at the U.S. Capitol.

Going out on a limb...
Twitter was also used and many other destructive riots used twitter. Many other calls to violence posted on Twitter daily with zero repercussions
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No one has argued that the first is on January 7th. You continue to be disingenuous.

Stop using the fact that other acts of violence were perpetrated though twitter without any repercussion - that's not true.
Twitter was also used and many other destructive riots used twitter. Many other calls to violence posted on Twitter daily with zero repercussions

And many were, perhaps this is a case of a business cutting the head off a snake that has shown a propensity for inciting violence and where it's more than plausible that he'd lead the charge again.

If you have a beef with twitter, don't use it as a platform to disseminate your thoughts 260 characters at a time. News briefings, press conferences and releases have all worked in the past and would work right now.

Twitter owes you nothing.
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And many were, perhaps this is a case of a business cutting the head off a snake that has shown a propensity for inciting violence and where it's more than plausible that he'd lead the charge again.

If you have a beef with twitter, don't use it as a platform to disseminate your thoughts 260 characters at a time. News briefings, press conferences and releases have all worked in the past and would work right now.

Twitter owes you nothing.
Where have I ever said they owe anyone? I'm just hoping all those celebrating the ban of Parler realize how dangerous it is to hand the internet keys to a hypocritical system
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Where have I ever said they owe anyone? I'm just hoping all those celebrating the ban of Parler realize how dangerous it is to hand the internet keys to a hypocritical system
He takes his hyperbole and disingenuous remarks and runs full speed with them. It's sad.
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I'd wager if Tinder or Our Time were being used to stage an insurrection against the U.S. Government or was being used to call specific targets of violence without moderation, they'd face the same sort action.

You fellas' need to stop acting like people were just reading bible versus to each other on Parler.

"Twitter hosts a #KillTrump hashtag. In all of the glorious English language there is no clearer, plainer, or shorter way to call for violence than the word kill followed by someone’s name. But there it is. One of these tweets reads “#ArrestTrump not enough #KillTrump.” And this isn’t new, back in June the hashtag #AssassinateTrump was bouncing around the website with gems like “Someone take this clown out NOW.” That tweet is still up.

And while Trump’s alleged calls for violence, in fact he explicitly called for peaceful protest, got him banned, the Ayatollah Khamenei tweeted this in November, “. . . Palestine will be free, while the fake Zionist regime will perish. There’s no doubt about this.” So encouraging a completely legal challenge to election results gets our President banned, but the leader of Iran’s brutal state threatening to wipe out Israel is no problem at all."
I'd wager if Tinder or Our Time were being used to stage an insurrection against the U.S. Government or was being used to call specific targets of violence without moderation, they'd face the same sort action.

You fellas' need to stop acting like people were just reading bible versus to each other on Parler.

Twitter is just as much of a cesspool as Parler is for that rhetoric.
It has been inconsistent as at best. Any take other than that is of ignorance or malice.

Even Dorsey admits that: "Yes, we all need to look critically at inconsistencies of our policy and enforcement. Yes, we need to look at how our service might incentivize distraction and harm. Yes, we need more transparency in our moderation operations."
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Where have I ever said they owe anyone? I'm just hoping all those celebrating the ban of Parler realize how dangerous it is to hand the internet keys to a hypocritical system

Your comments imply that they're required to treat everyone them the same, they're not.

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