No More Tweeting for Donny

Your comments imply that they're required to treat everyone them the same, they're not.
No I've been very consistent since page 1 of this thread. I'm just saying to be cautious that they didn't throw Trump off and get Parler banned with a boomerang. Allowing such large companies to control such a % of communications is a dangerous proposition. Especially true when they've shown to be complete hypocrites in their enforcement

"Twitter hosts a #KillTrump hashtag. In all of the glorious English language there is no clearer, plainer, or shorter way to call for violence than the word kill followed by someone’s name. But there it is. One of these tweets reads “#ArrestTrump not enough #KillTrump.” And this isn’t new, back in June the hashtag #AssassinateTrump was bouncing around the website with gems like “Someone take this clown out NOW.” That tweet is still up.

And while Trump’s alleged calls for violence, in fact he explicitly called for peaceful protest, got him banned, the Ayatollah Khamenei tweeted this in November, “. . . Palestine will be free, while the fake Zionist regime will perish. There’s no doubt about this.” So encouraging a completely legal challenge to election results gets our President banned, but the leader of Iran’s brutal state threatening to wipe out Israel is no problem at all."

Extremist positions come from both sides - perhaps they've become aware that actions of the Parler crowd had enough cover and support to pully Donny Two-Times without any serious fallout.

My guess is they're right.

What hyperbole?

Just from the last hour :
The outrage over the belief that the first ban occurred on January 7th is falling on deaf ears.

Was never the argument, you know it was never the argument but pushed the ridiculous charge anyway.

I'm not getting into a back and forth with someone not interested in legitimate discussion but rather disingenuous conclusions and hyperbolic translations of other points.
No I've been very consistent since page 1 of this thread. I'm just saying to be cautious that they didn't throw Trump off and get Parler banned with a boomerang. Allowing such large companies to control such a % of communications is a dangerous proposition. Especially true when they've shown to be complete hypocrites in their enforcement

Who is allowing large companies to control the communications of so many people? Consumers....

It's a free market, Trump chose to use that Twitter. He treated the owners like sh*t and like every other thing he touched, ruined it. He knew the rules and flaunted them, constantly.

Now folks are blaming the private business for doing what they've argued that private businesses ought to be able to do?

Who again is being hypocritical?
Just from the last hour :
The outrage over the belief that the first ban occurred on January 7th is falling on deaf ears.

Was never the argument, you know it was never the argument but pushed the ridiculous charge anyway.

I'm not getting into a back and forth with someone not interested in legitimate discussion but rather disingenuous conclusions and hyperbolic translations of other points.

Based on the outrage by you and the others refuse to recognize about prior twitter bans of others, you've implied it. Otherwise you wouldn't keep trotting out that it's hypocritical to ban Donny Two-Times for his remarks.

Bans have been going on for years for MUCH less than this.
Who is allowing large companies to control the communications of so many people? Consumers....

It's a free market, Trump chose to use that Twitter. He treated the owners like sh*t and like every other thing he touched, ruined it. He knew the rules and flaunted them, constantly.

Now folks are blaming the private business for doing what they've argued that private businesses ought to be able to do?

Who again is being hypocritical?
Is it really a free market though with aws?
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"Only controls 50%" Do you even hear yourself? Because the next biggest one is like a 6% share and the rest are really small. Parler, if expected to compete with twitter, needs more than a small collection of servers to host millions of interactions an hour.

Who do you think controls the market share on smart phones and how much do you think Apple has?

Oh I see... you think Amazon has a "monopoly" on hosting now. Mkay.

Reality: You're wrong, per Parler's own CEO:

"CEO John Matze had earlier cautioned users the site might be unavailable as its vendors attempted to "remove free speech from the internet." Parler might be unavailable for as long as a week, he said, because the company would need to rebuild its service."

Hosting ban by Parler won't kill it, but the app store ban will.
Mkay. I'll bite. Why did Amazon ban Parler in your opinion?
Tos may be valid however their violations appear to be no worse than what I've seen on Twitter for at least the past year. Twitter would likely be on an even larger scale given their size.

Selective enforcement based on political ideology
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Oh I see... you think Amazon has a "monopoly" on hosting now. Mkay.

Reality: You're wrong, per Parler's own CEO:

"CEO John Matze had earlier cautioned users the site might be unavailable as its vendors attempted to "remove free speech from the internet." Parler might be unavailable for as long as a week, he said, because the company would need to rebuild its service."

Hosting ban by Parler won't kill it, but the app store ban will.

Weird how I can download movies, games, and every application ever created and discuss those downloads on a website where two new access points pop up for every one that is killed.

Parler simply needs better devs.
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Tos may be valid however their violations appear to be no worse than what I've seen on Twitter for at least the past year. Twitter would likely be on an even larger scale given their size.

Selective enforcement based on political ideology

You're not all together wrong.

But doesn't this point strike to the heart of what is really should be the only point? It's a private business and they ought to be able to select who they want to do business with EVEN if it's hypocritical or selective.

Either we want to have and hold free market principles as a foundation or we want regulation. Can't have it both ways as it suits ones feelings.
You're not all together wrong.

But doesn't this point strike to the heart of what is really should be the only point - it's a private business and they ought to be able to select who they want to do business with EVEN if it's hypocritical or selective.

Either we want to have and hold free market principles or we want regulation. Can't have it both ways.
I've said that from the beginning. It didn't mean they are free from being called out on it though. I just wish these tech weenies had the guts (or programming in Zuckerberg's case) to admit what they're doing and why

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