look fellas i like coach martin. I appreciate everything he has gone through to get to this level especially overcoming cancer. I appreciate how he rose from the mean streets of east st louis to become the man he is. As a former memphis hs coach i can't tell you how much i appreciate it. He also played in the tough big ten for one of the all time greats...but with that said something is missing from his preps and his abliity to relate his gameplan to the players. They had more talent than xavier...their weakness was speed and quickness. the white kid ate them alive inside all night...2nd and 3rd shots off missed attempts...lack of rebounding makes me want to crash my head against the wall...i was a fanantic about rebounding and free throws and we all know how many they missed tonight...there is something missing and it has been missing since day 1...i hope he can turn this around...i would honestly hate to see him fired.