Non Citizens Voting

New York City Gives 800,000 Noncitizens Right to Vote in Local Elections

So here we have this law which allows non citizens to vote in local elections. This destroys our republic unless you want to exempt these localities from any federal funding whatsoever

I agree. Cut off their money and they will sing a different tune. You'll never get the current regime in charge to do anything like that though. They are in favor of it. Some of these loons would want the entire world to participate in our elections.
I got an idea. Non citizens can vote in local elections but CANNOT in national elections.

Good trade huh.
History books say Columbus discovered America. You believe that too?

Uh, not the ones I was taught from. His discovery of the East Indies is like my discovery that there's an IHOP within 5 minutes of campus.
If they’re here legally on the path to citizenship and paying taxes I have no issue

Only issue I have is the goalposts getting moved. Many come here with no regard for our immigration laws, entering illegally and one party just waves the magic wand with an EO, bypassing current law or Congressional authority to legislate any change to those laws and then we say, Bam! Now you’re legal! It’s basically just trick f***ing the process for political gain. Their true status not necessarily being “legal”.
Only issue I have is the goalposts getting moved. Many come here with no regard for our immigration laws, entering illegally and one party just waves the magic wand with an EO, bypassing current law or Congressional authority to legislate any change to those laws and then we say, Bam! Now you’re legal! It’s basically just trick f***ing the process for political gain. Their true status not necessarily being “legal”.

Make the border, and you are cool
I got an idea. Non citizens can vote in local elections but CANNOT in national elections.

Good trade huh.
Except that local elections determine who runs national elections and who distributes federal funding to the localities. So I am ok with non citizens being allowed to vote as long as those localities forego all Federal funding and are not included in tabulations for federal elections. So yeah, take away their money and their electoral votes and then they can do whatever they please.
What taxes? Are non citizens paying Fed taxes? Are there 800K non citizens in NYC?
There are people here legally working towards US citizenship. They pay fed taxes (and state) just like everyone else, they just aren't citizens. As to your third question, I have no idea.

Edit: there are also non-citizens who aren't on a path to citizenship that pay taxes. I know tobacco farmers with large operations who legally hire foreign workers on a seasonal basis through a fed program. Those workers come in for the season/harvest, work, get paid, then go home. The farmers tell me that most of the local workers are lazy and quit after a day or two, or just never come back after lunch break.
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I don’t have a problem with states/localities setting their own voting eligibility for their elections. As long as they don’t slip in national elections it’s up to them who gets to vote.
So you're okay with the tomato pickers local deciding the Grainger county election before they move on to Vidalia Georgia?

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