Non Citizens Voting

So only people who pay taxes should vote?
Our founding fathers exclude slaves and women from voting and in some cases only property owners were allowed to vote
Good point. If the reporting is accurate, even some people running for or sitting as president or another elected office might not be allowed to vote.
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Your presumption of 800K migrant farm workers that live in NYC.
So you're okay with the tomato pickers local deciding the Grainger county election before they move on to Vidalia Georgia?
Dude... You're talking about a comment I made in response to @VolStrom talking about migrant workers in places in no way related to NYC.
I already explained how there are migrant workers that are here legally, but I already know you're a smart guy, so you figure it out.

What does it matter? Migrant workers should have no say either. If they donā€™t like it they can stay and work in their own country.
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What does it matter? Migrant workers should have no say either. If they donā€™t like it they can stay and work in their own country.
Apparently, in spite all your smartness, you missed the point of my comment. A migrant worker probably would not meet residency requirements and not be able to vote. I'm surprised I had to explain that to such a smart guy.
"Is there a federal or state law or constitutional provision saying local governments can't determine who votes in local elections?" is the real question.

Is is alright for local officials that are not citizens to accept federal funding from citizen taxpayers?

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