I was searching the internet for more info on NC State hoping to be able to really get my hopes up tonight. Not much in the local papers here but I did find this and was really surprised:
Chip Scoggins, Star Tribune
Sun, March 27, 2022, 8:08 PM·4 min read
BRIDGEPORT, CONN. – Wes Moore doesn't remember the exact year, but as coach of the Tennessee-Chattanooga women's basketball team in the 2000s, he called and asked UConn's Geno Auriemma if he could visit him and observe his program for a weekend during fall break.
Auriemma said yes, and Moore watched practices and picked the legendary coach's brain over meals for several days.
"He's built something special," Moore recalled Sunday, "and the rest of us are trying to get there."
Maybe he is less of a dbag than I thought?