North Korea USA Summit

Trump meeting Kim is nothing more than pomp and only aids in legitimizing Kim. Trump being played by dictators has been an ongoing issue since he was elected.
Surprised to see you in the forum. Haven't seen you in your Mueller report thread in months. Lol
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Say what?

What part of my comment was either in a foreign language to you or at all hard to understand?

Surprised to see you in the forum. Haven't seen you in your Mueller report thread in months. Lol

I'm surprised somebody missed me.

I'll make an appearance again before the big show later this month.

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Trump has accepted that NK is a Nuclear power and will settle for a freeze on building more. God I hope North Korea let's us inspect their sites to make sure they are in compliance, it would be a bad deal otherwise.

In New Talks, U.S. May Settle for a Nuclear Freeze by North Korea
Anonymous sources again.

Buried at the bottom of the article

On Sunday evening, the State Department’s envoy to North Korea, Stephen E. Biegun, said that this account of the ideas being generated in the administration was “pure speculation” and that his team was “not preparing any new proposal currently.”

“What is accurate is not new, and what is new is not accurate,” he said.
You’re trusting the same media that claimed Trump would start a nuclear war with North Korea.


You trust an anonymous poster on 4-chan that's missed on "insider" knowledge time and time and time again.

It would be an interesting dilemma if NK said it would agree to a freeze if we lifted sanctions.

NK is currently estimated to have 60 nuclear weapons. If they agree to stay at that level, and we lift sanctions so that the regime stays in power, I'm not sure whether that is a good or bad thing.
It would be an interesting dilemma if NK said it would agree to a freeze if we lifted sanctions.

NK is currently estimated to have 60 nuclear weapons. If they agree to stay at that level, and we lift sanctions so that the regime stays in power, I'm not sure whether that is a good or bad thing.

If Obama managed this outlook = Good

If Trump managed this outlook = Bad

If Obama managed this outlook = Good

If Trump managed this outlook = Bad

Where did he invoke Obama? You know you're losing the argument when you have to invent a position to push over.

If Obama managed this outlook = Good

If Trump managed this outlook = Bad

I did not say that, at all. I'm saying it is a difficult call.

On the one hand it may be the best we can hope for.

On the other it leaves them with 60 nukes.

The alternatives might be far worse.
What we have been doing with Korea for the last 70 years seems to be working.

Working towards what? Peace? What is the goal? You think this will change a damn thing with peace talks, unification, or de-nuclearization? None of that will happen without a forceful regime change. I'm not suggesting that we do that, only that the single difference that could even conceivably happen now is we are legitimizing them. They want control of the pennisula and there isn't a chance in hades they will give up any nuclear weapons. Nothing that matters will move at all from this. I'm sorry, it is the height of naivety to think otherwise. This is all upside for them and downside for us.

The about face on the right when it comes to N. Korea is stunning, and I would bet even more if this were Obama the right would be raising absolute hell. They got bent out of shape when he bowed to another world leader, and now we have Trump literally holding lil Kim's hand. The hypocrisy here really is astonishing. Kim Jong Un is a despot, and the regime spits in the face of the international community and actively runs concentration camps while openly threatening the U.S. and South Korea. That will not change just because Trump wants to talk.
Bring them into the new world and all they have to get rid of all nukes. We'll open a bunch of fast food joints and lazy-boy stores on our dime so that we get their people fat and lazy. Give 'em DirectTv free for a few years also and we'll never hear from these guys again. America!

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