If I could bring something back, I think it would be the senses of security, opportunity, and independence that I got to experience. I came up in the 70s when the economy was in shambles with runaway inflation and gas shortages, heroin and speed (meth) were a huge problem, we had civil defense drills in school practicing what we'd do when the Soviets nuked us, and people of all stripes who were disappointed that the aspirations of the 60s had not come to fruition turned to militant extremism and isolationism. Sound familiar? Despite the problems we had, I never doubted that I would wake up the next day, fail or succeed at whatever I attempted, and have a realistic opportunity to match or exceed the standard of living under which I was raised. Once you get past the pie-eyed little kid stage, there's real pessimism and fear among our adolescents and young adults. People, especially young people, don't need to feel like born victims. I don't know how to solve this but I'm worried about the future of the country.