Nostalgia: What would your bring back from your childhood?

There is a mini NES with 30 classic games preinstalled. Punch-Out is one but I think Thaon has been scrubbed.

Punch out was one of the only NES games I never beat. I could knock Tyson down but never out.

Sadly, the version of Punch Out on the NES mini contains "Mr. Dream" as the final boss, or as many refer to him... "White Tyson."
If I could bring something back, I think it would be the senses of security, opportunity, and independence that I got to experience. I came up in the 70s when the economy was in shambles with runaway inflation and gas shortages, heroin and speed (meth) were a huge problem, we had civil defense drills in school practicing what we'd do when the Soviets nuked us, and people of all stripes who were disappointed that the aspirations of the 60s had not come to fruition turned to militant extremism and isolationism. Sound familiar? Despite the problems we had, I never doubted that I would wake up the next day, fail or succeed at whatever I attempted, and have a realistic opportunity to match or exceed the standard of living under which I was raised. Once you get past the pie-eyed little kid stage, there's real pessimism and fear among our adolescents and young adults. People, especially young people, don't need to feel like born victims. I don't know how to solve this but I'm worried about the future of the country.
There is a mini NES with 30 classic games preinstalled. Punch-Out is one but I think Thaon has been scrubbed.

Punch out was one of the only NES games I never beat. I could knock Tyson down but never out.

Me and my younger brother played that game for ever! I never beat it either, but my brother did, one time. He was never able to do it again though...
Me and my younger brother played that game for ever! I never beat it either, but my brother did, one time. He was never able to do it again though...

He was beatable. All of the fighters had a pattern you had to memorize. Tyson's wasn't particularly complicated but you had to develop good reflexes to beat him consistently. Best way I can describe it is, all you had to do with the other fighters was react to their patterns. With Tyson you had to be able to anticipate his moves and react just before he executed them.
He was beatable. All of the fighters had a pattern you had to memorize. Tyson's wasn't particularly complicated but you had to develop good reflexes to beat him consistently. Best way I can describe it is, all you had to do with the other fighters was react to their patterns. With Tyson you had to be able to anticipate his moves and react just before he executed them.
This. The others were about holding back to block or sidestepping when they attacked, you have to time Mike right and pop him a nanosecond before he tried to pop you...and you could eventually stun him. Hard to do though, even if you put in the code and start the game at super macho man.lmao
Stretch Armstrong

Fun thing was, you could show him to another unsuspecting kid, let him stretch the limbs, squish the torso, whatever, then say, "You know what's fun? Punching him as hard as you can, right in his squishy chest. He just goes right back like he was. Here, try it." That damn chest was hard as a brick when you hit it.

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