Not General Booth's Salvation Army any more

Print off and Donate to the Salvation Army in Lui of Cash
This is so sad. Theyโ€™ve always held a special place in my heart, and Iโ€™ve always made it a point to have my kids give money as weโ€™d pass by the bell ringers and explain to them about people that need help.
This is so sad. Theyโ€™ve always held a special place in my heart, and Iโ€™ve always made it a point to have my kids give money as weโ€™d pass by the bell ringers and explain to them about people that need help.
The great thing is we can always offer help and support to organizations that aren't openly racist. I also have learned to always question the actual use of funds for organizations like this especially when they start toeing a statist line- I've witnessed enough left-leaning individuals and organizations siphoning money off for their leadership's personal use to make me very wary.

We can all make a bigger impact on lives through individual actions anyway.
This is so sad. Theyโ€™ve always held a special place in my heart, and Iโ€™ve always made it a point to have my kids give money as weโ€™d pass by the bell ringers and explain to them about people that need help.
Very sad indeed.

Hope this doesnโ€™t impact donations too much. The people they help really need it.
The great thing is we can always offer help and support to organizations that aren't openly racist. I also have learned to always question the actual use of funds for organizations like this especially when they start toeing a statist line- I've witnessed enough left-leaning individuals and organizations siphoning money off for their leadership's personal use to make me very wary.

We can all make a bigger impact on lives through individual actions anyway.
March Of Dimes would be one of those corrupt organizations. I worked for them for about 2 days years ago and heard them pitching the numbers of how much went to help kids, and it was like 12% of all money raised because the rest went to โ€œoperating expenses.โ€ All the people in charge were driving luxury SUVโ€™s. I walked out on them.
March Of Dimes would be one of those corrupt organizations. I worked for them for about 2 days years ago and heard them pitching the numbers of how much went to help kids, and it was like 12% of all money raised because the rest went to โ€œoperating expenses.โ€ All the people in charge were driving luxury SUVโ€™s. I walked out on them.

I was giving a percentage out of my paycheck weekly when I was working back along time ago. That's what happened to me. I stop giving to the United Way Fund after finding out that the Head Cheese was taking home $10 million a year. I said ... nope, not getting from me anymore.
I was giving a percentage out of my paycheck weekly when I was working back along time ago. That's what happened to me. I stop giving to the United Way Fund after finding out that the Head Cheese was taking home $10 million a year. I said ... nope, not getting from me anymore.
Our local branch of the United Way is horrifically corrupt. Between some of what my wife saw their leadership doing when she worked with them (expensive meals, parties, and more on the charity dime) and the way they funnel donation money to very specific politicians here there's no way they'll see a penny from me- nor will I attend an event they sponsor or participate in.
Our local branch of the United Way is horrifically corrupt. Between some of what my wife saw their leadership doing when she worked with them (expensive meals, parties, and more on the charity dime) and the way they funnel donation money to very specific politicians here there's no way they'll see a penny from me- nor will I attend an event they sponsor or participate in.

Yeah, back in the day they were colluding w/the NFL every week advertising on TV. The big corporations (work places like where I worked) kinda made you feel small if you didn't contribute money each week for the homeless & the poor. It was really going to the big boys jean pockets robbing people blind.
I was giving a percentage out of my paycheck weekly when I was working back along time ago. That's what happened to me. I stop giving to the United Way Fund after finding out that the Head Cheese was taking home $10 million a year. I said ... nope, not getting from me anymore.
My former company used to heavily promote the United Way when I was working. They matched donations dollar for dollar and gave gifts away for donating on a sliding scale, the more you donated, the bigger the graft. I used to buy into it until I saw our department manager's donation card one year when he donated a one time $10 pledge and I said screw it.
My former company used to heavily promote the United Way when I was working. They matched donations dollar for dollar and gave gifts away for donating on a sliding scale, the more you donated, the bigger the graft. I used to buy into it until I saw our department manager's donation card one year when he donated a one time $10 pledge and I said screw it.

I hear ya. I'm very tight w/my money these days when it comes to charities at Christmas.
I usually give at the church I go to & let them decide where it goes. If it's not on the up & up coming from the church, I'll let God handle them about that.
My former company used to heavily promote the United Way when I was working. They matched donations dollar for dollar and gave gifts away for donating on a sliding scale, the more you donated, the bigger the graft. I used to buy into it until I saw our department manager's donation card one year when he donated a one time $10 pledge and I said screw it.
Sounds like they were carving it straight out of your ass.
I only saw a section for NBA basketball players on how to get PO'd at the white ticket holders and have them ejected while wearing slave labor apparel from China.
Well who wouldn't be pissed off after being forced to play basketball every year for meager multimillion dollar checks?
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