not impressed with play calling!!!

My God CBJ HAS to SCORE here he is putting the team in a bad Position. TAKE WORLEY OUT PLEASE and let him sit a drive to scare him. He has to produce more than just hiking the ball. The OC is killing me with these play calls
Doesn't matter where we are on the field, it is 4 down territory for us. Worley isn't cutting it. Looks way too rattled. Run the ball, that is exactly what our team is built to do.
Another run to the outside.

Way to fail at stretching the field again instead of running behind your only asset on the Offense.

This isn't a good outing.
WE ARE KILLING THEM ON THE RUN!!!!!! KEEP RUNNING!!!! Yes I meant that to be in all caps.
Not to mention Oregon is generating pressure with 3 and 4 men rushing. OL looks whipped.
Bad decision on declining the goal line penalty.Bad play calling on Offense. Go for it sometimes. We know Oregon will score points. Just saying.
Lets punt to Oregon again.

Nice 20 yard field placement change.

Oregon will just march it 80 yards in 1:30 again.

Lets just keep playing with our neutered Offense and punt it to them. This won't get us embarrassed

I had UT losing 45-21. I didn't think Oregon would match heir 45 points in the 1st Half.
Not impressed with in game coaching this game at all....and i still question the decision for Worely to be starting........major red flags thus far with the playcalling and decision making by coaches.
Keep punting the ball to Oregon,idiot,and you will lose by 60 points. Go for it on 4th down!
Not to punt to Oregon??
Your on the road...
We have nothing to loose...
You know they can score??

I love Butch but question the conservative calls. Its a different game plan against them
Seriously, how is this different than what most reasonable posters predicted?

I agree fade but it is frustrating when our o-line is getting pushes up the middle on runs and we want to go back to Clawson offense and get screen happy. This is piss pour coaching from Mike and Butch. We need to run every play.
Seriously, how is this different than what most reasonable posters predicted?

I thought the play-calling wouldn't be so neutered.

Oregon's O against our D is pretty much what I expected.

I just didn't expect UT to only call read-options and screens.

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