not impressed with play calling!!!

Nature is just taking its course right now...Nobody except a few drunk out of the loop fans predicted us to win this game...We knew coming in this was going to be a rough game to even stay competitive in let alone have a chance to win...So calm down and just ride out the storm...Brighter days are ahead.
We punted ourselves out of this let's look forward to Florida next week?

what is it a 10 year rebuilding project. the team should have never have stepped off the bus. I expected to at least to see a well coached team. if anybody thinks this is a well coached team you are smoking crack. stripling is just terrible as DC. terrible

Hey coaches, how are you guys today? Since you know how to beat one of the best offenses in the history of NCAA. (Commonly regarded as) How about you go out there and coach, I'm sure you'd do a much better job (not sarcasm for you slower ones out there). It's a lot different on the field than on tv. I also guess that you think butch was a bad hire. Go figure. We have mostly freshman on both sides of the ball and you think that were capable of beating a team like this. You're delusional.

Worley sucks. We needed to be able to throw some and he can't do it. What were you expecting?

This team is nowhere near last year. Sad, but true. Suck it up and thank them for giving their all.

Lastly, you're an awful fan and go vols! Way to support your very GREEN team and coaches. You suck worse than Worley. Be ashamed.
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Hey folks, maybe the playcalling fit our roster's ability, and it's that ability that most of you have been in denial about.

So running outside instead of inside plays to our roster's ability?

So lets not run at a 3-man front with our OL, that will really play to our roster's ability.
Nature is just taking its course right now...Nobody except a few drunk out of the loop fans predicted us to win this game...We knew coming in this was going to be a rough game to even stay competitive in let alone have a chance to win...So calm down and just ride out the storm...Brighter days are ahead.

maybe 5 years down the road.
We're 28 point underdogs, our defense hasn't stopped Oregon since the beginning of the first quarter, and you continually punt the ball back to Oregon? I know by rights you probably shouldn't go for it if you're not past the 50, but this isn't most games and we're not the same Tennessee team that we used to be. Butch is coaching too conservatively. I understand our offense isn't outstanding, but if you want to even stay in this game, you have to rely on your offense and keep the ball away from Oregon. Our D is too tired to stay out o the field consistently.
Right. Clearly play calling is the only difference between these two squads.

It isn't. I thought we'd lose by 21-24 regardless.

Poor playcalling is just exacerbating huge talent differences between the teams. Our single advantage was our OL against their DL. We've had success running inside against them.

Instead we are trying to break it outside which makes no sense to me.
Hey coaches, how are you guys today? Since you know how to beat one of the best offenses in the history of NCAA. (Commonly regarded as) How about you go out there and coach, I'm sure you'd do a much better job (not sarcasm for you slower ones out there). It's a lot different on the field than on tv. I also guess that you think butch was a bad hire. Go figure. We have mostly freshman on both sides of the ball and you think that were capable of beating a team like this. You're delusional.

Worley sucks. We needed to be able to throw some and he can't do it. What were you expecting?

This team is nowhere near last year. Sad, but true. Suck it up and thank them for giving their all.

Lastly, you're an awful fan and go vols! Way to support your very GREEN team and coaches. You suck worse than Worley. Be ashamed.

BTW if I get banned for that, I'm not bothered. They needed that.
This offense is horrible.. Seeing UT run this spread is bad.. Seeing them run it this poorly is just sickening..

The coach brought this offense... Right or wrong, it looks horrible.
I expected this game to not go the way I wanted, but not this bad. I'm not trying to sound negative or anything, but if you go back an look at offensive plays only videos from week one all the way through this game... It's nothing but Worley act like its an option play and hand it off over and over. It's getting ridiculous.
We have a few good players but were not a good football team.. Worsley just doesn't have it. I feel sorry for him. Everything is now exposed time to cut your loses and make some adjustments...
Coaching scared it seems to me. Then again our season starts next week so I can not tell if he is playing safe or it is a combination of that with poor qb play?
I was expecting aggressive play calling with trick plays and on side kicks. Guess I was wrong. Wouldn't have made a difference anyway.
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