No sir, I am not absolutely certain that Jones is not capable. I think the mexican standoff that has become vn over the last few days in that anyone pointing out that coaching played a role in this team's poor performance at times on the field must be bashing and wanting heads to roll is foolish. Honest reflection is healthy. If Butch beat South Carolina, then he lost to several others. If our lack of depth, lack of talent, and slow players lost to these other teams, then they beat South Carolina. People are so quick to throw these kids under the bus, but the multi-millionaire coach gets a free pass. Kool-aid has been the official drink of this fan base for five years now, and it has left a bitter taste. Do I expect this team to win championships next year or the year after? No. Past performance is indicative of future results. I hope Jones gets it done. The recruiting class looks great, but until we are competitive on the field, nobody can be absolutely certain that anyone is the right person. Here's hoping it is Butch, but as of now, the jury is still out.