There was one thread over there started by an innocent Vol fan simply trying to say 'good game.' The UK fans converged on him like hungry wolves on a helpless deer.
Because it pissed me off so much (which I'm ashamed to admit), here are a few quotes:
"Im expecting that we will beat you by more than 30 next year"
"our goal is to go undefeated next season. what is your goal?"
"Cal wont be taking his starters out next year when we play you guys. Enjoy it while you can, UT will get beaten like a bad dog every time next year. Then come back and post here that it was a good game. GBB"
"Let us know when you crack a Final Four...we haven't seen one yet, and aren't likely to ever witness one."
"A desperate fan base will take it any way they can get it. Go celebrate an prepare yourself for your next beat down."
"Let's take a look at Sucky Top in the NCAA and SEC. *goes on to ramble about the past and how much greater theirs is than ours*"
And my personal favorite (note the bold):
"Your classless coach showed his a$$ today and that's fine but Cal has a good memory and I hope he remembers this next year. Enjoy your win now because it'll be about as rare as the Russian meteor. Cal has a lot of class (your school, team, fans and coach do not) so I doubt he'll sink to the UT level but it will be fun watching us step on you guys for many years to come. GBB. "
Ugh, I could go on. These guys are a ****ing joke. **** them. I want to reach through my computer and hit them all in the face. It was an innocent show of sportsmanship and this is what they say? Even when I'm at my worst I could never act like this. I may start an account just to troll them all.
If you're bragging about your ******n past or your ******n future then all that means is that you suck right now. Talk about how you'll beat us next year, talk about how you've beaten us in the past. We just beat your asses by 30 and that ain't changing. It is OUR time right now, and you ****s are just bitter. And calling our coach classless just shows how clueless they are. When you complain because we're still trying at the end of the game (what the **** do you expect us to do? Lie down?), you know we're beating your ass. I literally don't see how anything Martin did was classless. I can't fathom that accusation. The amount of HYPOCRISY... for a ****ing Kentucky fan, of all schools, to complain about something like leaving our starters in is just a joke.
Sorry for the rant, but those are the sort of lines I'll be dealing with this week, living in Kentucky. Might as well prepare a few comebacks.
And to the VolNation UK fans: Thank you. Thank you for being classy. Thank you for not being like these guys.