I won't argue about the last piece, 23 years in Army Intel proves I'm not very bright.
As to the first part, well you turned that around in a strange way...
To put it another way. Imagine you are crossing the street and it is a dark night. If the street light is out do you run across and hope you don't get hit, or do you look carefully, make sure it is clear and then walk briskly but watchfully so as not to trip? Point is as we advertise greater safety, we encourage riskier behavior. But when we know there is some danger we take measures to ensure our own safety.and those around us.
Next question, if these devices are so unsafe why have we increased their use in the vehicles we demand go the fastest? Every police cruiser, for truck and ambulance has a laptop, cell phone radio,camera and more all in reach and view of the driver, but no one complains about those being unsafe.