Obama-Ayers Connection

I will assume you are voting Obama.

Serious question. Can you explain one or more than one of his philosophies that will encourage growth in a struggling economy?
He believes in regulation on wall street to keep Gordon Gecko type greed from destroying the economy.
I really am trying to get a serious answer here. Are you saying this is your answer?
Same question to you about McCain and how is that not a legitimate answer do you think deregulation didn't have anything to do with this.
Davol, what is it you see in Obama? What will he do for YOU? Im just wondering..
Well he says he is gonna give me a tax cut cause I belong to that bottom 95% although I myself am not really concerned about that cause obviously noone no matter who it is ever cuts spending and WE as a NATION owe app. 10 trillion to all sorts of people.
Same question to you about McCain and how is that not a legitimate answer do you think deregulation didn't have anything to do with this.

I do not feel it is a legitimate answer. I believe in holding true to philsosphies and principles no matter the situation. Can you give me an example of where regulation spurs growth?
I do not feel it is a legitimate answer. I believe in philsosphies and principles that do not change according to the situation. Can you give me an example of where regulation spurs growth?
It's not there to spur growth it is there to make sure that growth is legitimate growth and not these sorry ass ponzi schemes we've seen on Wall street and Enron and World com.
It's not there to spur growth it is there to make sure that growth is legitimate growth and not these sorry ass ponzi schemes we've seen on Wall street and Enron and World com.

You need to go back and read post 27. You quoted me asking you to name a philosophy of his that would spur growth. You answered with regulation, your answer. So if it is not your answer, please give one to the original question.
It's not there to spur growth it is there to make sure that growth is legitimate growth and not these sorry ass ponzi schemes we've seen on Wall street and Enron and World com.
ponzi schemes? why don't you elighten us instead of all the class warfare silliness you spew.

Pretending that America loves Obama is senseless. America is voting against Bush, not for Obama. My guess is that he scares the living shat out of millions of his supporters, but they can't see voting for anyone else.
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You need to go back and read post 27. You quoted me asking you to name a philosophy of his that would spur growth. You answered with regulation, your answer. So if it is not your answer, please give one to the original question.
New energy tech. jobs will be created building wind farms someone has to build them.
Same question to you about McCain and how is that not a legitimate answer do you think deregulation didn't have anything to do with this.
do you have any freaking idea what deregulation you're talking about? Deregulation of what? Regale me.
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ponzi schemes? why don't you elighten us instead of all the class warfare silliness you spew.

Pretending that America loves Obama is senseless. America is voting against Bush, not for Obama. My guess is that he scares the living shat out of millions of his supporters, but they can't see voting for anyone else.
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Maybe next time your side will try to use a little more intelligence before putting an embicile like bush up for president.Bush: Job Ratings
Speaking of warfare I like the intellectual warfare from your side waaaaaa :cray: all the professors are liberal waaaaaaa:cray: Obama went to Harvard he is an elitist he didn't go to a joe sixpack school like Idaho.
McCarthy would be proud of some of you GVuilt by association.

As I read the original post, Obama had some involvement with the guy on the incendiary topic of juvenile justice reform.

For shame!
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What do you suppose we do about this?
WE as a NATION owe app. 10 trillion to all sorts of people.
I did not say the workers had to be government workers.

You were referring to Obama's plans and said "someone" had to build them. If windfarms were such a good idea and so desired, do you not think some money hungry piece of sh*t capitalist would not have already gone head over heels into creating all these jobs?

But again, this is your answer to Obama's philosophies spurring the economy, windfarms?
McCarthy would be proud of some of you GVuilt by association.

As I read the original post, Obama had some involvement with the guy on the incendiary topic of juvenile justice reform.

For shame!
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Ayers and Obama had a lot more involvement than that.
What is McCain going to do more deregulation maybe something else can collapse.
You were referring to Obama's plans and said "someone" had to build them. If windfarms were such a good idea and so desired, do you not think some money hungry piece of sh*t capitalist would not have already gone head over heels into creating all these jobs?

But again, this is your answer to Obama's philosophies spurring the economy, windfarms?
Only Obama can show us the light.

Only he can bring us....windfarms. :whistling:
What is McCain going to do more deregulation maybe something else can collapse.

In general terms, I think everyone would agree McCain believes in taxes being lower than what Obama proposes. That alone points to spurring the economy moreso that anything Obama offers.

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