I am glad to see you making posts based on debunked claims of $200 million a day.
Your largely race-based hatred for Obama is so ingrained that if you can't advance arguments based on actual facts, you are not above just making them up.
The $200 million figure has been denied but not
debunked FYI.
You suffer from cranial anal inversion syndrome,
my disdain for Obama has nothing at all to do with
race and everything to do with what he is trying
to promote on behalf of the puppetmasters who
control everything he does, including what pops
up for him to read off his teleprompter.
Obambi is just a figment of your imagination,
a pigment of your infatuation, a remnant for
your indoctrination and nothing more.
Here is a picture of the man who supposedly
debunked the $200 million figure:
Classic 'ugly American' image if you ever saw one.
Barry, in character, bowed before the Indian parliment
then proceded to make a complete fool of himself.
(did I say 'make', maybe I should say displayed his
complete ignorance.)
He is finding it is much easier to fool a lot of people
in America than it is to fool foreigners, the good news
is that not so many in America are fooled as the fools
once were.
American Thinker Blog: Obama's Ignorance of World Affairs on Full Display in India
After that he yet again postured as the world's
leading apologist for islam, which doesn't play
very well in India, you would have to have some
knowledge of the history of the region, even just
the last century or even just the last twenty
years to appreciate that statement.
Freedom's Lighthouse » Obama in India Asked His Opinion of “Jihad”: “Jihad has a lot of Meanings . . .” – Video 11/7/10
Bottom line, if was only spending $20 a day
it's wasted money, he would have done much
better just to have taken a golfing holiday.
BTW, I see I'm off your 'ignore' list this week,
what is it, morbid infatuation??
Gee, I hope boss cat doesn't think this is
condescending toward you. :whistling: