Obama to spend Billions on Infrastructure!!!

he's clearly the same guy. use of words like "funny money," love of the unions, obsession with class inequality. no way it's not the same person. he must have moved or something.

Irrational hatred of unions and Obama you must be the same as about 100 other posters on this board. Get over it man.
Yes really. It's such a nonsensical statement. Firstly, who the hell is to say the market provides every service the market would like. More importantly, the private sector wouldn't consider whether I would like, or if it's in the best interests of our country. They would only consider whether they could make money, and quite frankly I don't base every decision on whether Siemens can make billions of dollars off it.

If people don't like a product then it isn't purchased.

There is no demand for gas made with corn, especially at it's true cost, so the government decided to have it made anyway because it was best for us. They only created higher priced food and food shortages while creating a product that I have only seen sold at Kroger. The reports I have seen also indicate that it gets 15% worse fuel mileage than gasoline.

Oh yeah, the government does it better.

BTW, your decision making process is clearly flawed.
How much could muslim footbaths in all federal building cost anyway??

If people don't like a product then it isn't purchased.

There is no demand for gas made with corn, especially at it's true cost, so the government decided to have it made anyway because it was best for us. They only created higher priced food and food shortages while creating a product that I have only seen sold at Kroger. The reports I have seen also indicate that it gets 15% worse fuel mileage than gasoline.

Oh yeah, the government does it better.

BTW, your decision making process is clearly flawed.

Look how much money was paid on behalf of the corn lobby. You can blame only the government if you like, but it's clear the governent was acting in private business' best interest. Nothing to do with "it's so much better for us" your anger is misplaced.
Look how much money was paid on behalf of the corn lobby. You can blame only the government if you like, but it's clear the governent was acting in private business' best interest. Nothing to do with "it's so much better for us" your anger is misplaced.

It isn't misplaced at all. The corn lobby is doing what it should do which is look out for the best interest of those they represent. How is this anything but a failure of the government?
It isn't misplaced at all. The corn lobby is doing what it should do which is look out for the best interest of those they represent. How is this anything but a failure of the government?

He was mad we have corn subsidies. The reason we have corn subsidies is because giant corporations fought tooth and nail and paid massive amounts of money for them. Saying they were only doing what's in their best interests is a strange premise. After all, the politicians were only doing what's in their best interests to get re-elected.
He was mad we have corn subsidies. The reason we have corn subsidies is because giant corporations fought tooth and nail and paid massive amounts of money for them. Saying they were only doing what's in their best interests is a strange premise. After all, the politicians were only doing what's in their best interests to get re-elected.

The corn lobby were looking out for the best interest of those they represent. If the government had looked out for the best interests of the people they represent then corn subsidies wouldn't exist in this particular instance.

Government is clearly the problem here. Instead of looking out for our interest (the people they represent) they do what's best for them individually hence my rational in calling it a failure of government.

Another factor at play here is unintended consequences, better get used to it though as more and more seem to loom on our horizon.
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what? i thought we needed to govt to stop all these evil corporations? are you saying they didn't do a good job?
He was mad we have corn subsidies. The reason we have corn subsidies is because giant corporations fought tooth and nail and paid massive amounts of money for them. Saying they were only doing what's in their best interests is a strange premise. After all, the politicians were only doing what's in their best interests to get re-elected.

This may be your best piece.

If thats the case putting trust in them with your best interest is naive at the least.
He was mad we have corn subsidies. The reason we have corn subsidies is because giant corporations fought tooth and nail and paid massive amounts of money for them. Saying they were only doing what's in their best interests is a strange premise. After all, the politicians were only doing what's in their best interests to get re-elected.

These are not corn subsidies. This is money spent in a failed attempt to make us more "green" with renewable fuel sources. An idea that would not have seen the light of day without some government expert deciding what was best for us.
If people don't like a product then it isn't purchased.

There is no demand for gas made with corn, especially at it's true cost, so the government decided to have it made anyway because it was best for us. They only created higher priced food and food shortages while creating a product that I have only seen sold at Kroger. The reports I have seen also indicate that it gets 15% worse fuel mileage than gasoline.

Oh yeah, the government does it better.

BTW, your decision making process is clearly flawed.

Want to be really ticked off? Do you know what the CRP program is? It is a program by which the Ag Dept pays farmers to not farm productive, till ready ground. About 40 million acres are currently out of production at an avg payment of about $50/acre. That's $2 billion plus administrative costs of your tax dollars going to ensure that you get to pay more for food at the grocery store. Including the higher prices caused by the program, Americans are paying 10's of millions.
After all, the politicians were only doing what's in their best interests to get re-elected.

Which is exactly why TPer's and like minded conservatives are so insistent on returning gov't to its constitutional bounds. The ONLY way to insure a just gov't that does not have growing corruption and abuse of the people is to prevent too much power from being concentrated in gov't.
Which is exactly why TPer's and like minded conservatives are so insistent on returning gov't to its constitutional bounds. The ONLY way to insure a just gov't that does not have growing corruption and abuse of the people is to prevent too much power from being concentrated in gov't.


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