Obama wants mass-murderer released!



Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2008
The Obama administration is trying to convince Israel to release arch-terrorist and mass-murderer Marwan Barghouti.

Report: US Pushing Israel to Free Barghouti - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

Another Radical Muslim that OBAMA LOVES with a passion.

Obama wants to release taliban gang leader for allied talks

Obama wants Israel to let another known islamic murderer free

Obama endorses MB and Arab spring’s “democracy”
Anything for islam...

This isn’t going to finish pretty; not or Israel, not for America.
The Obama administration is trying to convince Israel to release arch-terrorist and mass-murderer Marwan Barghouti.

Report: US Pushing Israel to Free Barghouti - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

Another Radical Muslim that OBAMA LOVES with a passion.

Obama wants to release taliban gang leader for allied talks

Obama wants Israel to let another known islamic murderer free

Obama endorses MB and Arab spring’s “democracy”
Anything for islam...

This isn’t going to finish pretty; not or Israel, not for America.

You realize most of Washington want this.

You want Hamas to win this election uncontested? It's called the lesser of two electable evils.
I've never read that President Obama, "LOVES WITH A PASSION" concerning this man. Transamman, can you provide a source for that quote?
Looks like Transam is the only one in the discussion not talking out of his arse.


Taliban leaders held at Guantánamo Bay to be released in peace talks deal | World news | guardian.co.uk

The US has agreed in principle to release high-ranking Taliban officials from Guantánamo Bay in return for the Afghan insurgents' agreement to open a political office for peace negotiations in Qatar, the Guardian has learned.

According to sources familiar with the talks in the US and in Afghanistan, the handful of Taliban figures will include Mullah Khair Khowa, a former interior minister, and Noorullah Noori, a former governor in northern Afghanistan.

More controversially, the Taliban are demanding the release of the former army commander Mullah Fazl Akhund. Washington is reported to be considering formally handing him over to the custody of another country, possibly Qatar.

The Taliban are holding just one American soldier, Bowe Bergdahl, a 25-year-old sergeant captured in June 2009, but it is not clear whether he would be freed as part of the deal.

"According to Umdat al-Salik wa Uddat al-Nasik, a medieval summary of Shafi'i jurisprudence, hudnas with a non-Muslim enemy should be limited to 10 years: "if Muslims are weak, a truce may be made for ten years if necessary, for the Prophet made a truce with the Quraysh for that long, as is related by Abu Dawud" ('Umdat as-Salik, o9.16)"

Of course islamic writings tell us that a treaty with infidels is meaningless and only to be kept until a bett option may present itself.


MARCH 30, 2009 : (PAKISTAN : TALIBAN BAITULLAH MEHSUD'S PAKISTANI TALIBAN THREAT TO LAUNCH AN ATTACK IN WASHINGTON DC) Baitullah Mehsud, who has a $5 million bounty on his head from the U.S., said the Pakistan Taliban was planning a terrorist assault against Washington D.C.“Soon we will launch an attack in Washington that will amaze everyone in the world,”------“Taliban Chief Vows ‘Amazing’ Attack on Washington ‘Soon’,” AP, Tuesday, March 31, 2009, Taliban Chief Vows 'Amazing' Attack on Washington 'Soon' | Fox News
APRIL 3, 2009 FRI : (NY : BINGHAMTON SHOOTINGS BY JIVERLY WONG / VOONG ---See BAITULLAH MEHSUD {See PAKISTAN } ) ---------- Binghamton Bloodbath: 14 Dead in Citizenship Massacre ( "I Don't Like America. America Sucks." ), nbcnewyork.com ^ | 4/4/9 | DANIEL MACHT, CAITLIN MILLAT and TAMER EL-GHOBASHY http:/www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/4-Shot-at-Civic-Association-At-Least-40-Held-Hostage.html

APRIL 4, 2009 SAT : (PAKISTAN : BLUSTERY BAITULLAH MEHSUD CHIMES IN ON BINGHAMTON NY SHOOTINGS BY JIVERLY WONG / VOONG) PESHAWAR, Pakistan (Reuters) - Pakistani Taliban militant leader Baituallah Mehsud claimed on Saturday responsibility for an attack on a U.S. immigration center in New York state in which 13 people were killed. "I accept responsibility. They were my men. I gave them orders in reaction to U.S. drone attacks," Mehsud told Reuters by telephone from an undisclosed location.(Excerpt) Read more at reuters.com ...-------Pakistani Taliban chief claims US Binghamton shooting, Reuters ^ Posted on Saturday, April 04, 2009 2:45:37 AM by Int

Well, Tranny's banned so that part won't happen.

And, seriously, what can you expect from gs other than a few cartoons with racial/Islamaphobic undertones?

Name-calling is also expected, while simultaneously complaining that someone called him a name.
You know, fwiw, I don't have any problem with them wanting to post articles or comment that they think that Obama is too soft on Islamic radicals. I think the evidence is otherwise, but I concede the possibility of another point of view.

It's the purposeful enormous oversimplification of the issue, and the misplaced sarcasm that is so off-putting.
........ gs still making up lies.

What lie have I made up?

Caliph-in-Chief Obama Set to Release Taliban/Al Qaeda leaders from GITMO - Atlas Shrugs

The Obama administration is set to release Taliban leaders with operational ties to Al Qaeda from Gitmo, even before the heinous Taliban has agreed to come to the table for "peace talks". The war criminals set for release are hardcore jihadist leaders who fought on the fields of Islamic imperialism and killed US and coalition troops.

Why would the Obama administration release these mass murderers? For Taliban promises to engage in peace talks? Obama will get nothing in return.

Catherine Herridge of Fox News reports that a senior U.S. official has confirmed that “Mullah Mohammed Fazl is among the prisoners being considered for release.”

Marc Thiessen writes at the American Enterprise blog on Fazi the ghazi:

So who is this Mullah Mohammed Fazl?

Last year, WikiLeaks released a trove of documents it dubbed the “Gitmo Files” with assessments of hundreds of Guantanamo detainees—including Fazl. According to his official record, Fazl is a war criminal who has massacred thousands of people, has close relationships with al Qaeda and other terrorist groups, is involved in narcotics trafficking, and is so senior in the Taliban hierarchy that he once threatened the Taliban’s supreme leader, Mullah Omar. He is considered to pose a “high risk” to American forces and our allies if released.

Here is the official U.S. government assessment of the man Barack Obama wants to put back on the streets (emphasis is mine):

Detainee is assessed to be a HIGH risk, as he is likely to pose a threat to the US, its interests, and allies…. Detainee is an admitted senior official of the Taliban government and army and was last assigned to the position of Deputy Minister of Defense. Detainee also served as Chief of Staff of the Taliban Army and a commander of the 22nd Division. Detainee is wanted by the UN for possible war crimes including the murder of thousands of Shiites. Detainee had operational associations with significant al-Qaida and other extremist personnel. Detainee wielded considerable influence throughout the northern region of Afghanistan and his influence continued even after his capture. If released, detainee would likely rejoin the Taliban and establish ties with anti-Coalition militias (ACM) participating in hostilities against US and Coalition forces in Afghanistan….

Detainee is wanted by the UN for possible war crimes while serving as a Taliban Army Chief of Staff and was noted having a long record of human rights abuses. Detainee was implicated in the murder of thousands of Shiites in northern Afghanistan during the Taliban reign. When asked about the murders, detainee and [ANOTHER DETAINEE] did not express any regret and stated they did what they needed to do in their struggle to establish their ideal state.

Detainee protected a subordinate accused of mass murder. Detainee’s deputy commander, Mullah Dadullah Lang, aka (Commander Dadullah), was reportedly responsible for the murder of 500 Shia, Hazara, and Uzbek civilians, including men, women, and children, during the winter of 2000. Dadullah Lang’s troops seized the people near Sar-i-Pol, AF, trucked them to Baghlan Province, AF, killed them, and threw the bodies into gorges…. After Mullah Omar found out about the massacre, he ordered Dadullah Lang to be disarmed and brought to Kandahar to explain his actions. Detainee vouched for Dadullah Lang, reportedly telling Supreme Leader of the Taliban Mullah Muhammad Omar that if Dadullah Lang was disarmed, detainee would disarm Mullah Omar. (Analyst Note: Detainee was directly subordinate to Mullah Omar. Detainee’s threat directly against the Supreme Leader of the Taliban indicates he held great authority and power within the Taliban)….

Detainee was reportedly involved in Taliban narcotics trafficking activities….

[Another detainee] stated detainee has continued to spread anti-Afghan government and anti-US messages among detainees at JTF-GTMO [and] lists detainee among several detainees at JTF-GTMO who would likely pose a threat to the Afghan government it released….

Detainee was directly connected to several extremist organizations and facilitated programs supporting the Taliban, including al-Qaida and IMU…. Detainee has specific information relating to several extremist organizations that provide support to the Taliban. Detainee also probably has significant information on Taliban and al-Qaida personnel still active today.

This is the man the Obama administration wants to release—not in return for any concession on the part of the Taliban, mind you, but as a confidence building measure before any talks even begin. Based on this assessment, Mullah Mohammed Fazl is a mass murderer who should not be released under any circumstances.

As Michael Rubin, former political adviser to the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq, has noted, “U.S. attempts to engage the Taliban from 1995 to 1999 represent “engagement for its own sake—without any consideration given to the behavior or sincerity of an unambiguously hostile interlocutor.” Rubin, now a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, details how U.S. State Department officials were repeatedly misled by Taliban officials harboring Osama bin Laden even after al-Qaeda attacked two U.S. embassies in Africa in 1998. As Rubin noted, “face-to-face meetings with Americans served only to reinforce the Taliban gang’s pretensions as a government rather than as an umbrella group for terrorists.”


There was a time that everyone loved America? I guess pessimism only developed recently.

Loving America is obviously synonymous with being jingoistic; loving America has nothing to do with loving the idea of personal rights and isolationism; loving America means that you waste billions of dollars and send America's sons and daughters to their deaths on the other side of the globe in order to build a couple of undesired schools and destroy crops because America says drugs are evil; loving America means that you support the cause of the war while you, yourself, stay home with your wife and kids because other individuals volunteered to fight your fight.
Are you saying we should detain and torture people indefinitely? That really doesn't fit with the image and ideals we're trying to export now does it?

What torture?

Are you saying we should turn Charlie Manson out?

After all, he is responsible for a lot fewer deaths than Mullah Mohammed Fazl.

Perhaps you can explain to me why we should release Fazl or why Israel should relase the mass murderer they have in custody.

As a matter of fact we can detain people indefinately, have you not read of recent congressional action and Obama's signing statement?
The Shocking List of Gitmo Detainees Obama Plans to Release in Deal with Taliban | TheBlaze.com

Mullah Mohammed Fazl, deputy defense minister. Fazl is “wanted by the UN for possible war crimes while serving as a Taliban Army Chief of Staff and … was implicated in the murder of thousands of Shiites in northern Afghanistan during the Taliban reign.” He has “operational associations with significant al-Qaida and other extremist personnel,” was “involved in Taliban narcotics trafficking,” and is so senior in the Taliban hierarchy that he once threatened the Taliban’s supreme leader, Mullah Omar. Military officials assess that Fazl wields “considerable influence throughout the northern region of Afghanistan and his influence continued even after his capture” adding, “If released, [Fazl] would likely rejoin the Taliban and establish ties with anti-Coalition militias (ACM) participating in hostilities against US and Coalition forces in Afghanistan.”

Abdul Haq Wasiq, deputy minister of intelligence. Wasiq “was central to the Taliban’s efforts to form alliances with other Islamic fundamentalist groups to fight alongside the Taliban against US and Coalition forces.” He “utilized his office to support al-Qaida and to assist Taliban personnel elude capture…. arranged for al-Qaida personnel to train Taliban intelligence staff in intelligence methods” and “assigned al-Qaida members to the Taliban Ministry of Intelligence.” If released “he is likely to pose a threat to the US, its interests and allies.”

Mullah Norullah Noori, governor-general of Afghanistan’s northern zone. Noori “is considered one of the most significant former Taliban officials detained at JTF-GTMO” who “led troops against US and Coalition forces” and “was directly subordinate to Taliban Supreme Leader Mullah Omar.” He “is wanted by the UN for possible war crimes,” is “associated with members of al-Qaida,” and is assessed “to be a hardliner in his support of the Taliban philosophy.” He “continues to be a significant figure encouraging acts of aggression and his brother is currently a Taliban commander conducting operations against US and Coalition forces…. (Analyst note: Detainee would likely join his brother if released.”)

Mullah Khairullah Khairkhwa, Herat governor and acting interior minister. Khairkhwa is “directly associated to Usama Bin Laden (UBL) and Taliban Supreme Commander Mullah Muhammad Omar” and was “trusted and respected by both.” After 9/11 he “represented the Taliban during meetings with Iranian officials seeking to support hostilities against US and Coalition forces” and “attended a meeting at the direction of UBL, reportedly accompanied by members of HAMAS.” He is “one of the premier opium drug lords in Western Afghanistan” and was likely “associated with a militant training camp in Herat operated by deceased al-Qaida commander (in Iraq) Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.”

Mohammad Nabi, multiple leadership roles. Nabi is “a senior Taliban official” who was “a member of a joint al-Qaida/Taliban ACM cell in Khowst and was involved in attacks against US and Coalition forces.” He “held weekly meetings” with “three al-Qaida affiliated individuals” to discuss anti-coalition plans, “maintained weapons caches,” and “facilitated two al-Qaida operatives smuggling an unknown number of missiles along the highway between Jalalabad and Peshawar,” which intelligence officials believe contributed to the deaths of two Americans.
GS, do you view these detainees as Prisoners of War, as individuals who have committed federal crimes, or as individuals that have committed international crimes who should be tried in an international court?

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