Heard Obama in an interview just yesterday address the spending issue. Paraphrasing, he stated that the plan to cut the deficit in half occured before it was realized just how deep the economy would sink. He now believes the deficit must be addressed long term but the most important issue was maintaining growth and recovery; therefore, major cuts would have to wait.
IMO, that's a comprehensible strategy, not one I agree with since I find the current issue of the deficit, with evidence supported by the European crisis, to be more important. That regardless of the economic impact of lost government jobs (both gov't and contracted work, which is big), which I don't think will be friendly, it is necessary, as well as reform to most government programs.
The problem I have is that we are running a $1.33T (plus) deficit without any real short term stimulus in there. That means, we have flat out too many bills, which is scary. I know simplified, but if I looked at my budget and saw that my income didn't match my outcome because of a vacation, or funiture, or bar hopping, short term expenditures, then I could live with that since I could change it up fairly easy. But if I looked at it and saw, that my rent, electric, car, etc.. were more than my income, then that would be a serious issue that I couldn't readily fix. Most of our budget is long term commitments to military, medicare, SS, entitlements, etc. That's unhealthy.
Also, as bham mentioned earlier, there's a point of disagreement on whether claiming Keynesian spending during a recovery but also raising taxes. By putting that in there, he is stating that he believes that the proposed tax on that population won't impact recovery. I don't care, but I do know that it won't really effect this deficit all that much.