Obama's Speech Today



Oct 21, 2004
Anyone see it?

I thought it was a very effective speech. He's certainly very skilled at public speaking. This will likely be sufficient to stop the negative effects of the pastor's comments and Obama's link to the pastor.

He put the pastor's comments into context of black anger/resentment. He disavowed the comments we've been hearing over and over. He acknowledged that whites too have anger at affirmative action, immigration etc.

In the end though, the boogey man is corporations and special interests.

Not that one has to look very hard to find irony and hypocrisy in politics but part of his message was that Wright was guilty of letting his anger and condemnation of a few perceived injustices color the overall view of America. In short, the good far outweighs the bad but it was not represented that way in the pastor's comments. Later Obama paints "corporation" with a broad brush of layoffs, off-shoring etc. in effect doing exactly what he condemned Wright for. The vast effect of corportions for most Americans has been positive. By highlighting a relatively minor percentage of cases of greed, he demonizes an entire group. Likewise, while he preached personal responsibility his diatribe against corporations and special interests screams it's not your fault.
Read excerpts. He distanced himself from the comments but not the church, not good enough for me. It is easy to see this man sitting down with Ahmadinejad all chummy.
Didn't hear the speech but sounds like he is targeting the Native American vote as well!
Yes, everyone of every race, creed and color is part of the solution except for the rich. Those bastards are the problem.
I will say that overall it was an informative speech and I do buy his explanation of why he didn't distance himself from Wright or the church.

What hasn't changed for me is that his views on how to get "there" are pretty distant from mine.

Parts of the speech were more pure (I think truly reflective of his beliefs) and other parts were more clearly pandering for votes. No surprise for any politician.

Overall, I think it shows why people are drawn to him.
The only thing Wright had correct in his statements was the Tuskeegee experiment. Did anyone else catch the part about him hearing some of these statements Wright made? Wasn't he on the tv tour just this weekend claiming he had never heard comments like that while at the church? Seems to me people were not receptive to his media tour and he had to come clean.
I hope this puts Obama out. I feel sick thinking that there are people out there that feel like his church and his pastor have absolutely zero influence over his life and the decisions he makes if he were in the white house. I have never bought all this Obama talk, he's a good speaker, who cares.
I will say that overall it was an informative speech and I do buy his explanation of why he didn't distance himself from Wright or the church.

You buy his reasoning that since Wright introduced him to Christ then he cannot abandon him? Am I correct on your interpretation of his reasoning? Clarify if I am not.

So the Klan was cool as long as it was introducing people to Christ? Forget that it misinterpreted His teachings as long as it brought people to Christ?
You buy his reasoning that since Wright introduced him to Christ then he cannot abandon him? Am I correct on your interpretation of his reasoning? Clarify if I am not.

So the Klan was cool as long as it was introducing people to Christ? Forget that it misinterpreted His teachings as long as it brought people to Christ?

I agree. I was told when I was very young "be careful what you lay at God's feet." Meaning be careful that you do not associate the wrong things with God.
You buy his reasoning that since Wright introduced him to Christ then he cannot abandon him? Am I correct on your interpretation of his reasoning? Clarify if I am not.

So the Klan was cool as long as it was introducing people to Christ? Forget that it misinterpreted His teachings as long as it brought people to Christ?

I thought he meant he finds it difficult to imagine that Obama has sat in that church for 20 years and claims absolute ignorance of Rev. Wright's views expressed in the footage we've all seen. This isn't just his pastor, Wright was a friend, advisor, I've even heard "mentor" used. Which brings us to this statement:

"The statements that Rev.Wright made that are the cause of this controversy were not statements I personally heard him preach while I sat in the pews of Trinity or heard him utter in private conversation."
BO, 3/14/08

And I like the Klan angle. Imagine if a credible picture of McCain (or Hillary for that matter) surfaced shaking hands and smiling or in any other way seen schmoozing with a known Klan member. No 20 year relationship, no mentor or advisor references, no proof they'd ever even met before or since, just the photo. What do you think would become of it?
I thought he meant he finds it difficult to imagine that Obama has sat in that church for 20 years and claims absolute ignorance of Rev. Wright's views expressed in the footage we've all seen. This isn't just his pastor, Wright was a friend, advisor, I've even heard "mentor" used. Which brings us to this statement:

"The statements that Rev.Wright made that are the cause of this controversy were not statements I personally heard him preach while I sat in the pews of Trinity or heard him utter in private conversation."
BO, 3/14/08

And I like the Klan angle. Imagine if a credible picture of McCain (or Hillary for that matter) surfaced shaking hands and smiling or in any other way seen schmoozing with a known Klan member. No 20 year relationship, no mentor or advisor references, no proof they'd ever even met before or since, just the photo. What do you think would become of it?

Robert Byrd is a former member of the Klan. As far as Obama goes, I think you have to be honest and say if he really feels this way and disagrees with the pastor, why did he wait this long and come out to say so? In other words, why wait til all the criticism ensues?
We don't have to imagine that at all, just remember what happened to Trent Lott when he dared opine that Strom Thurmond would have made a good President.

There there were the photos of a much younger Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam Hussein.
Robert Byrd is a former member of the Klan. As far as Obama goes, I think you have to be honest and say if he really feels this way and disagrees with the pastor, why did he wait this long and come out to say so? In other words, why wait til all the criticism ensues?

I meant more along the lines of someone currently and directly still associated with that organization. As far as the rest of your post goes, why indeed?
I meant more along the lines of someone currently and directly still associated with that organization. As far as the rest of your post goes, why indeed?

Oh, I knew what you meant, wa just pointing out the hypocrisy of some, that's all.
Here are some key words that will mean a hell of alot more than what Obamas preacher is saying come November.
4.gas prices
5.stagnant wages
6.bomb bomb bomb Iran bomb Iran
7.12billion a month in Iraq
8.3 trillion dollar wars
OK I'm tired of typing
Here are some key words that will mean a hell of alot more than what Obamas preacher is saying come November.
4.gas prices
5.stagnant wages
6.bomb bomb bomb Iran bomb Iran
7.12billion a month in Iraq
8.3 trillion dollar wars
OK I'm tired of typing

Here are some key words that will mean a hell of alot more than what Obamas preacher is saying come November.
4.gas prices
5.stagnant wages
6.bomb bomb bomb Iran bomb Iran
7.12billion a month in Iraq
8.3 trillion dollar wars
OK I'm tired of typing

I'm guessing Obama can fix all these? You forgot:

Global warming
Acid reflux

What will Obama have left to do after he conquers all this in his first 100 days?
I'm guessing Obama can fix all these? You forgot:

Global warming
Acid reflux

What will Obama have left to do after he conquers all this in his first 100 days?

Don't you know anything?! Raising taxes and shouting "Change" is the cure of all of society's ills.
Hey, while were throwing out numbers, how much is Obama's UHC package going to cost and who's going to pay for that? :popcorn:
Don't you know anything?! Raising taxes and shouting "Change" is the cure of all of society's ills.

On his Fox H&C interview there was actually a poster hanging over his left shoulder with that word on it. You couldn't write some of this stuff and it be believable.

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