Obama's Watergate? - CNN


Well we can disagree as to the motives of Obama, Holder and Clinton in launching a program that has been characterized as 'criminally stupid,' but what of the Attorney General of this administration being caught in a lie to a joint congressional committee?

Any comment? (or are in the same state of mind?)

Oh sorry, thought you said Saul Alinksky.
Not enough community organizing for ya,huh?

I mean the only experience they have over BO is Governing a state, right?!?

Solid reasoning there:eek:k:

Congrastulations, you receive today's gs creative writng award.

You used solid reasoning and kittenkiller in the same sentence.

Extroidinary creativity, my hat is off to you! :hi:
Sipsey Street Irregulars: Another F&F weapon used in the killing of an American law enforcement officer?

From Doug Ross we have "Remember the good old days when we had a real media?"

To which piece we find this comment from Duke C:

I would like to comment on the shooting of a Maricopa Deputy Sheriff Sunday morning 4am, north of Phoenix, AZ. The no comment policy of the AZ Central newspaper prevents readers from expressing thier views and suspicions on this tragic event. The 50 year old father of 2, died when his body armor was penetrated by an AK 47 bullet. Eric Holder and the DOJ are holding their breath that this weapon is not connected to Gunwalker's Fast and Furious. Real OLD MEDIA is dying, but real scandals are ongoing. That is my tie-in to your article. Censure me if you must.

Although the comment says that Maricopa County Deputy William Coleman was killed with an "AK 47 bullet," this story indicates that his shooting is being linked to an earlier shooting where .223 brass was recovered. Still, there were many AR-type .......

Discovery of a January, 2011 email exchange between then Acting ATF Director Ken Melson and the Bureau’s chief council Steve Rubenstein has put the kibosh on Obama Administration elites’ latest “we didn’t know about it” defense concerning Regime involvement in Operation Fast and Furious.


The disclosure of this information has a potential deleterious effect on ATF’s undercover operations. In that regard, suspects may alter their behavior if they know that law enforcement is allowing certain firearms to “walk” into Mexico. In addition, public knowledge of this type of operation potentially places informants and undercover agents in jeopardy.”

“If “1desertrat” is an ATF employee, then he/she is subject to our Orders and Standards of Conduct…” (2)

Rubentsein goes on to quote the ATF Code of Conduct for employees, making it clear to Melson that the individual responsible for the post could be dealt with rather severely if indeed an ATF agent.

And Melson’s response: “Thanks Steve. I’m going to forward this to IA.” That is, Internal Affairs, which had by this time earned the reputation of being little more than a tool for the intimidation of agents who did not adequately adhere to ATF policy, regardless of how corrupt or nefarious. (3)

But Melson doesn’t act like an innocent dupe who had been kept deliberately in the dark. In fact he seems interested only in what steps can be taken to silence and punish “1desertrat” should his identity as an ATF employee become known!

But dupe or not, treated like an outsider by ATF old-timers or not, kept in the dark about gunwalking to Mexico or not, Ken Melson had been introduced to the Fast and Furious, gunwalking scheme no later than December of 2010. His one year performance before congressional investigators as “innocent bystander” will no longer fly.

And neither will the fact that he supposedly kept the deliberate, highly illegal smuggling of guns into Mexico quietly to himself, sparing his superiors in the Department of Justice any of the gory details. As an attorney, Ken Melson knew the consequences, both of such a crime and its cover up.
Border agent killed: Feds to unseal some records

Prosecutors will ask for unsealing of files in gun-walking case - Washington Times

Prosecutors will ask for unsealing of files in gun-walking case

Prosecutors who asked a federal court to seal the records in the killing of a U.S. Border Patrol agent as part of their investigation into the “Fast and Furious” operation now say they will ask that some of the documents be made public - more than a year after the shooting death.

The now-sealed federal grand jury indictment in the case says the Mexican nationals were “patrolling” the rugged desert area of Peck Canyon at about 11:15 p.m. with the intent to “intentionally and forcibly assault” Border Patrol agents. At least two of the Mexicans carried their assault rifles “at the ready position,” one of several details about the attack showing that Mexican smugglers are becoming more aggressive on the U.S. side of the border.

According to the indictment, the Mexicans were “patrolling the area in single-file formation” a dozen miles northwest of the border town of Nogales and - in the darkness of the Arizona night - opened fire on four Border Patrol agents after the agents had identified themselves in Spanish as police officers.

According to an affidavit in the case by FBI agent Scott Hunter, when the Mexicans did not drop their weapons as ordered, two agents used their shotguns to fire “less than lethal” beanbags at them. At least one of the Mexicans opened fire and, according to the affidavit, Terry, a 40-year-old former Marine, was shot in the back.

A Border Patrol shooting-incident report said Terry called out, “I’m hit,” and then fell to the ground, a bullet having pierced his aorta. “I can’t feel my legs,” Terry told one of the agents who cradled him. “I think I’m paralyzed.” Bleeding profusely, he died at the scene.

After the initial shots, two agents returned fire, hitting Manuel Osorio-Arellanes, 33, in the abdomen and leg. The others fled. The FBI affidavit said Osorio-Arellanes admitted during an interview that all five of the Mexicans were armed.

Osorio-Arellanes initially was charged with illegal entry, but that case was dismissed when the indictment was handed up. It named Osorio-Arellanes on a charge of second-degree murder, but did not identify him as the likely shooter, saying only he and others whose names were blacked out “did unlawfully kill with malice aforethought United States Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.”

Two Romanian-built AK-47 assault rifles found at the shooting scene were identified as having been purchased at a Glendale, Ariz., gun shop as part of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ (ATF) failed Fast and Furious investigation.

Fast and Furious: Mystery of the White Guns - HUMAN EVENTS

The House Oversight committee is looking into yet another Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms operation in which, as a source told the L.A. Times, “apparently guns got away again.”

In ATF reports, MacAllister wrote that U.S. intelligence showed cartel members were setting up military-type training camps in the Sierra de Durango mountains, near Guzman's northern Mexico hide-out, and wanted to bolster their arsenal with grenade launchers and .50-caliber machine guns.

In fall 2009, the ATF team sent an undercover agent posing as an arms dealer to Guzman Patino. Photos of weapons, including a Dragon Fire 120-millimeter heavy mortar, were emailed to his "Superman6950" Hotmail account.

According to the ATF documents, Guzman Patino told the undercover agent that "if he would bring them a tank, they would buy it." He boasted he had "$15 million to spend on firearms and not to worry about the money." He wanted "the biggest and most extravagant firearms available."

Well of course you’re not going to get a tank, Mr. Patino. U.S. politicians aren't interested in pushing any tank-control legislation.

The upshot of this little email exchange between the undercover ATF agent and the gun-happy Sinaloa quartermaster was a classic crime-drama meet outside a restaurant in Phoenix, where the ATF man popped open his trunk and showed the delighted Patino a stockpile of weapons, including “a Bushmaster rifle and a Ramo .50 heavy machine gun.” And then…

… well, we don’t know what happened next. The investigation suddenly ended. No documentation unearthed so far confirms whether Patino got any White Gun weapons or not.

Some lower-level stooges got busted by the same undercover agent after they tried to trade crystal meth for shoulder-launched missiles, but none of the cartel bigwigs targeted by White Gun seem to have been taken down in the operation.

ATF agent Hope McAllister, a leader in the Operation Fast and Furious disaster, reportedly spent some time in Mexico during the summer of 2010 looking for White Gun weapons among the ordnance seized from cartel killers by the Mexican government. That behavior is not consistent with a tightly-controlled sting operation run by people who know exactly where all the contraband merchandise went. “Sooooo… you guys wouldn’t happen to have seized any of the guns on this list, would you? No? Oh, well, just thought I’d ask. Adios!”

This is all very strange, because usually the Obama Justice Department is so meticulous with its paperwork, and so eager to show it off to congressional investigators and the public. The L.A. Times’ source inside the investigation said of the White Guns, “How many got into Mexico? Who knows?” I’ll bet the answer to that question, at least initially, will not be “Attorney General Eric Holder.”
Just a show of hands... who here actually reads the entirety of gsvols' articles?

That's why highlights are bolded so you can easily see the important parts.

The Gunwalker Scandal Made Simple

There are five key accusations against ATF and DOJ made by ATF whistleblowers and other sources within FedGov:

1. That they instructed U.S. gun dealers to proceed with questionable and illegal sales of firearms to suspected gunrunners.

2. That they allowed or even assisted in those guns crossing the U.S. border into Mexico to "boost the numbers" of American civilian market firearms seized in Mexico and thereby provide the justification for more firearm restrictions on American citizens and more power and money for ATF.

3. That they intentionally kept Mexican authorities in the dark about the operation, even over objections of their own agents.

4. That weapons that the ATF let "walk" to Mexico were involved in the deaths of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and ICE agent Jaime Zapata, as well as at least hundreds of Mexican citizens.

5. That at least since the death of Brian Terry on 14 December, the Obama administration is engaged in a full-press cover-up of the facts behind what has come to be known as the "Gunwalker Scandal."
Biased is out, everyone rides on radials these days.

Uh, except for a few goat herders.

Eric Holder had his favorite L.A. Times lackey

In his January 12th article on the 2010 ATF Operation
White Gun, Los Angeles Times reporter Richard Serrano
did little more than tell readers that 3 virtual nobodies
had been arrested in an expensive sting which somehow
allowed an unknown number of guns to disappear across
the Mexican border.

In fact there are probably more questions raised in the
story than answered. (1)

But it is not his skill or work ethic as an investigative
reporter which have endeared him to the left.

Rather it is the fact that, true to form, he managed to
make the ATF, its Department of Justice bosses and
even disgraced former U.S Attorney Dennis Burke look
good in the process.

Serrano has been a “go-to” guy for the “approved”
breaking of stories dealing with Eric Holder and the
Department of Justice for years. In fact, their
relationship goes all the way back to the days of
Waco and the Oklahoma City bombing aftermath. (2)

For example, in July the story broke that emails
mentioning Fast and Furious and gunwalking had
been sent by Phoenix ATF office head Bill Newell
to White House National Security staffer Kevin

As O’Reilly met at least weekly with the president,
existence of such documents might suggest that
White House claims of ignorance about gunwalking
were not truthful.

Serrano “somehow” obtained a number of these emails
and immediately published them in order to show there
was in fact no mention of Fast and Furious in the
documents. In this way he sought to prove that the
White House had NOT been informed of the Operation.

One has to be incredibly stupid or a liar to deny that
Obama, Holder and Clinton were unaware or had nothing
to do with this 'criminally stupid' program.

Is that bias?

Furthermore all three are not only guilty of a scandalous
cover-up, they are accessaries to murder.

Let me ask you a personal question; 'What is your
link to the University or the state of TENNESSEE?'
So you're saying the vast majority of people in the country you love so dearly are stupid liars? Lol.

It's really a shame that you hold such whacked out views.... there aren't many people who research as vigorously as you. Feels like a waste, imo.

I've lived in Tennessee for about 90% of my life and attended school here as well. How is this relevant?
I just wondered in what part of the country one would
be likely to find all those scared sheep.

It's a shame you can't produce any sort of argument
other than personal attacks.

Which if any of the five accusations against Holder
do you not agree with and why not?

More on the topic:

PJ Media » Eric Holder, Voter ID, and the Chicago Way

As Eric Holder — the brains behind both the Fast and
Furious gun-running scam and the decision to vacate a
conviction of Black Panthers who stood at a Philadelphia
polling place harassing white voters — would tell you,
South Carolina is not interested in safeguarding the
integrity of the franchise. Those southerners are just
trying to prevent minorities from voting. The hard-won
battle over the Voting Rights Act is being overturned.
Liberals need to prepare to resist or face a return to
the ugly days of Jim Crow!

So, what’s really going on here? Liberals love to wax
unbearably about culture, but they never want to ask
the difficult questions about how one’s socialization into
a political culture influences one’s view of the political
world, or how that socialization shapes the way the
struggle for political power is fought.

Obama’s Chicago is notorious for its corrupt voting
practices. In fact, one of the latest political jokes
in Chicago is that there is now empirical and
incontrovertible evidence that Muammar Gaddafi and
Osama bin Laden are both dead. Their names recently
appeared on the city’s voting rolls.

In Obama’s world, elections are not contested; they
are manipulated. In the 2008 Iowa caucuses, red and
white chartered buses with Illinois license plates carried
African Americans from Chicago to vote in Iowa.

Obama’s ability to show that he could win in a rural,
white, and somewhat conservative state like Iowa
wasn’t a miracle; it was election engineering, the
Chicago Way.

In anticipation of a hard-fought contest in 2012,
President Obama wants to make sure that there is
significant margin for voter fraud, especially getting
illegal immigrants to vote. No one needs to tell you
how illegal immigrants will vote. And pro-Obama
organizations, like ACORN, have traditionally engaged
in massive election fraud. Anything that enhances the
integrity of the voting process works against Obama.

Like the Black Panthers in Philadelphia intimidating
whites at the polls, this is not going to be high on
Holder’s lists of concerns. Nor are liberals in Chicago,
or elsewhere, going to have an apoplectic fit over it.

Don’t count on the ACLU hauling Emanuel into federal
court or even standing in front of the television camera’s
lens to denounce it, as the ACLU has done with South
Carolina’s attempt to bring integrity to the voting

When it comes to South Carolina — or any other state
— trying to preserve the honesty of the electoral
process by requiring some form of voter identification,
watch out. Voter integrity is the last thing Obama, his
Justice Department, and his base want for 2012.

The ONLY reason to oppose Voter ID is to support
Vote Fraud!!!
Actually, I support voter ID.

Anyway, you really need to quit accusing others of making personal attacks. You literally accused me of that right after launching one of your own.

Telling you that your sources suck isn't a personal attack. I'm attacking the basis of your claims, which is an attack on your argument.

I promise you, if you posted unbiased, credible sources, you wouldn't have to argue anywhere near as much as you force yourself to. Not a cut-down this time, just useful information.

What University has anything to do with a hillbilly bestiality joke?
Actually, I support voter ID.

Anyway, you really need to quit accusing others of making personal attacks. You literally accused me of that right after launching one of your own.

Telling you that your sources suck isn't a personal attack. I'm attacking the basis of your claims, which is an attack on your argument.

I promise you, if you posted unbiased, credible sources, you wouldn't have to argue anywhere near as much as you force yourself to. Not a cut-down this time, just useful information.

What University has anything to do with a hillbilly bestiality joke?

If you are going to attack my sources then you should present some evidence that my source isn't authetic or factual.

Do you not think that Holder has committed impeachable offenses?

Do you not think that Obama is involved up to his ears in this matter?

For that matter do you not think that Hitlery Clinton is also involved to the hilt in the 'fast and furious' and similar operations?

As for my sources sucking, why are these events not reported in the American Lame Stream Media?

Why does one have to go to the Hindu Times to find reports of Christians being killed by the muslim brotherhood in Egypt?
Eric Holder | Fast and Furious | Emails | The Daily Caller

Attorney General Eric Holder’s Department of Justice dumped documents related to Operation Fast and Furious on congressional officials late Friday night. Central to this document dump is a series of emails showing Holder was informed of slain Border Patrol agent Brian Terry’s murder on the day it happened – December 15, 2010 – and that he was informed the weapons used to kill Terry were from Fast and Furious on the same day. An email from one official, whose name has been redacted from the document, to now-former Arizona U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke reads: “On December 14, 2010, .......


A total of 103 members of the House have called for Holder’s resignation or firing, expressed “no confidence” in Holder via a formal House Resolution, or both.

Two sitting governors,

Two U.S. senators and

All the major Republican presidential candidates join those 103 congressmen in not trusting Holder.

Many of those who have called for Holder’s resignation have pointed out that Holder claiming that he didn’t read his memos is a sign that he’s admitting incompetence to avoid charges of corruption.

Although Holder has stonewalled for many months now, he chose a weekend when Issa would be out of the country is interesting to say the least.
More gunwalker questions for Attorney General Holder - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

According to the documents, Assistant Attorney General Breuer suggested the U.S. and Mexico consider working together to allow arms traffickers for Mexican drug cartels "to cross into Mexico," so that Mexican authorities could later prosecute and convict them.

The documents indicate Mexico's then-attache spoke against Breuer's idea. He "raised the issue that there is an inherent risk in allowing weapons to pass from the US to Mexico; the possibility of the [Government of Mexico] not seizing the weapons; and the weapons being used to commit a crime in Mexico."

The mere suggestion by a high level Justice official that "gunwalking" should be employed raises eyebrows not only because the tactic is considered dangerous, and has since been officially banned by Attorney General Holder; but also because of the timing. The Justice Department had just drafted a letter to Congress denying it would ever use such a tactic. And Congress had just begun investigating the ATF gunwalking operation "Fast and Furious," which had been operating in secret for more than a year.

There's no indication in the documents as to whether Breuer knew at the time of his suggestion that a major gunwalking operation had already been underway for more than a year.

Instead, thousands of guns were let into the hands of criminals where they were sometimes used in attacks on innocent people including Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. Terry was murdered in an attack near the Mexican border in December 2010, two months before Breuer made the official suggestion to coordinate with Mexico on allowing guns to flow across the border.

In response to the new documents, Justice Department officials say Breuer's suggestion was made in the spirit of combating Mexican drug cartels.

Attorney General Eric Holder appears Thursday before the House Oversight Committee.

This should be very interesting.

As of this point it is almost undenable that Obama, Clinton and Holder used this operation to try th short circuit American secong amendment rights.

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