The House Oversight committee is looking into yet another Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms operation in which, as a source told the L.A. Times, apparently guns got away again.
In ATF reports, MacAllister wrote that U.S. intelligence showed cartel members were setting up military-type training camps in the Sierra de Durango mountains, near Guzman's northern Mexico hide-out, and wanted to bolster their arsenal with grenade launchers and .50-caliber machine guns.
In fall 2009, the ATF team sent an undercover agent posing as an arms dealer to Guzman Patino. Photos of weapons, including a Dragon Fire 120-millimeter heavy mortar, were emailed to his "Superman6950" Hotmail account.
According to the ATF documents, Guzman Patino told the undercover agent that "if he would bring them a tank, they would buy it." He boasted he had "$15 million to spend on firearms and not to worry about the money." He wanted "the biggest and most extravagant firearms available."
Well of course youre not going to get a tank, Mr. Patino. U.S. politicians aren't interested in pushing any tank-control legislation.
The upshot of this little email exchange between the undercover ATF agent and the gun-happy Sinaloa quartermaster was a classic crime-drama meet outside a restaurant in Phoenix, where the ATF man popped open his trunk and showed the delighted Patino a stockpile of weapons, including a Bushmaster rifle and a Ramo .50 heavy machine gun. And then
well, we dont know what happened next. The investigation suddenly ended. No documentation unearthed so far confirms whether Patino got any White Gun weapons or not.
Some lower-level stooges got busted by the same undercover agent after they tried to trade crystal meth for shoulder-launched missiles, but none of the cartel bigwigs targeted by White Gun seem to have been taken down in the operation.
ATF agent Hope McAllister, a leader in the Operation Fast and Furious disaster, reportedly spent some time in Mexico during the summer of 2010 looking for White Gun weapons among the ordnance seized from cartel killers by the Mexican government. That behavior is not consistent with a tightly-controlled sting operation run by people who know exactly where all the contraband merchandise went. Sooooo
you guys wouldnt happen to have seized any of the guns on this list, would you? No? Oh, well, just thought Id ask. Adios!
This is all very strange, because usually the Obama Justice Department is so meticulous with its paperwork, and so eager to show it off to congressional investigators and the public. The L.A. Times source inside the investigation said of the White Guns, How many got into Mexico? Who knows? Ill bet the answer to that question, at least initially, will not be Attorney General Eric Holder.