I generally agree with most of your comments in the thread. To me the most important things are not in the suit... countless labor law issue, blacklisting, and the ability to stop 3rd party payments (in general). If they can't win this issue, the other ones are much tougher, which is what I have been saying for a few years on the board.
As the number of suits swell, on all kinds of issues which are not even a part of this suit, we will see contrary opinions, contrary appeal decisions, etc. This opinion is rather bad... as the NCAA should have never let it get this far... and the court did only what it could which is try to go with the remedy of the Plaintiff offered which the NCAA actually said during trial was okay.
The end result is the floodgates are wide open, I would imagine parts of this will be coming back... but its really immaterial as if they can't make a bent in this the other cases are going to knock them out of the park.
The sooner the schools see they are being thrown under the bus the better... the suits will be coming for them very soon.
Glad the players won, in part, not sure the opinion means much though then to open the floodgates. Which is okay in my book, long time coming. I'll wait for the further attempts at stay come up.
I'm like you, I never thought anything other than the NCAA will settle this...at least, when all it pertained to was the NLI as that relates to the EA Sports video game.
One point I'd like to make, not directed at you, but I think it is significant based on some of the other posts...
Ed O'Bannon, Bill Russell, Oscar Robertson and all of the others on the Plaintiff side of this WAIVED THIER RIGHTS TO DAMAGES in this case so they could have this tried before a judge and not a jury. The judge awarded that the NCAA will have to pay their legal fees, which are in the tens of millions of dollars. At least that is my understanding.
Once the plaintiffs amended their suit to include television rights, the NCAA's Texas style of arrogance kicked in and they refused to settle, that is my opinion.
So, to your point LSU-SIU, those two things, the plaintiffs basically saying it's not about the money "FOR US" and the NCAA's arrogance, which is how they got in this mess in the first place ,are the reasons it got this far.
I thought all along that the EA Sports part of this was a slam dunk for the plaintiffs...again, the arrogance...
The NCAA didn't just think they could license the NLI's of current players, they granted the NLI's of former players...without their consent. Now that's pretty arrogant... to say "yes, EA, we think you can... it's okay for you to use Bill Russell's and Oscar Robertson's name, likeness and image, go for it..."without even so much as a courtesy call to them or their agents...that is arrogant, brazen even.
I think everyone understands this...If Alabama said to the other members of the SEC:
1. We make more than you, we have more than you and we are entitled to keep more money than you...the other schools would kick their butts out of the conference.
2. We are going to start our own network, the Tide Network and we forbid the other members from starting their own, or as a conference having a network that competes with us.
This is why Nebraska and A&M wanted out of the Big 12. The other day the Big 12 had a panel discussion, and that Texas style arrogance was on display when the AD at Texas said why should the 65 have to share the money when the others don't create the wealth.
I'm bring this up because of some of the defenses the NCAA used in this case.
1. The NCAA said player's NLI's have NO Value. Uh...what did they think was going to happen when they put EA sports on the stand?
2. Broadcasters are paying for the rights to the stadiums. I mean...c'mon...yes let's all sit and watch an empty Neyland Stadium on Saturdays...I am not kidding.
I could go on...
It's silly that we are here and I get really sick of people blaming the kids or saying the players are greedy.
The NCAA has not come up with one new solution...Giving the students four year schollys...they used to do that...OLD...Stipends, they used to do that and took it away...OLD... better health insurance should be mandated for every school putting on sports...OLD...
These are things that any school president could have done at any time and the VAST majority have stood by and done nothing.
Rather than admit the problems they are going to try to placate the players, that is all autonomy is about...I believe it's a day late and a dollar short and if the NCAA allows the Kessler case to trial...I don't know what things will look like at that point.