Observations: No clear No. 1 at running back for Vols

Statistically, there really isn't that much of a difference. Versus the conference Lane was better by less than a half yard. The best apples to apples comparison as far as opportunities are concerned was UGA. Neal performed better that game.

Neal's advantage is that he has been around to take advantage of being coached up by this staff. Lane was first suspended and then spent alot of time injured in fall camp.

For these reasons, I would expect Neal to start the season better.

Raw talent- Neal is stronger and faster. They look to have relatively equal quickness. Lane has generally seemed to have better vision and runners instincts.

I would love to see both have great seasons.
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Pretty snarky post, IMO. Even with Lane getting suspended and coming back, he still split first team reps with Neal. That pretty much tells me he's better than Neal in the coach's eyes. If Neal was even equal to Lane, he would have taken the starting job months ago.

It shouldn't tell you that. They plan on running two RB's. It probably tells us he's still ahead of the others... but by no stretch does running Lane with the 1's mean he's better than Neal... or vice versa. It could also be a case of the coaches trying to get Lane ready to be 1b. He missed a lot of time so he probably needs the extra reps.

Neal is faster and stronger. They're both quick. Lane appears to have better vision and instincts. Both IMO are SEC caliber talents that have not been allowed to reach their potential by the past staff... and the circumstance of trying to get carries on a team with Bray, Rogers, Rogers, CP, and Hunter.
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What is it with the fixation on one player having to be better than another at the RB position? You need at least two and probably 3 RB's.
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Picture this: (even for one play a game or so) We come out with one of the more mobile QBs (or Pig, I guess) in a 2-RB shotgun formation. Lane on one side, Neal on the other. Run a triple option that begins as an inside zone read to Lane so the options are give to Lane running downhill into the line or the QB keeps to the other side and options out with Neal. Could have potential.

I was thinking the same kind of scenario, but with Smith and Hill both in backfield, send one crashing up middle, with or without the ball, fake a handoff (or give it) to the other rb off-tackle, if qb such as Peterman still has it as he sprints out wide he can either lob it over cheated up OLB, or tuck it and go.
If Neal played bama and USC his avg would probably be in the high 3's and an extra yard per carry can mean the world at times.
lane is no 1 imo

Agreed. Lane is the best pure and true RB we have. Just needs to get his head right and also to fully trust his knee, which he seemed to start doing the last half of last season. Time to start living up to that 4* ranking he once had.
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The article states that there is no number 1 between Lane and Neal. That makes me extremely happy. Last year, I thought it was clear that Lane was better. At the open practice, I thought Neal was finally running like he was supposed to... If they're that close to each other this year, I can only assume great things.

my thoughts exactly friend.
Pretty snarky post, IMO. Even with Lane getting suspended and coming back, he still split first team reps with Neal. That pretty much tells me he's better than Neal in the coach's eyes. If Neal was even equal to Lane, he would have taken the starting job months ago.

Uh no. It means they will split reps no matter what. Lane has had plenty of chances to excel and he hasn't. His ypc are inflated. For the record I don't care who the hell runs the ball as long as they do well. But this notion that Lane is far superior is ridiculous. Backups are always the favorite players...until they actually play.
Uh no. It means they will split reps no matter what. Lane has had plenty of chances to excel and he hasn't. His ypc are inflated. For the record I don't care who the hell runs the ball as long as they do well. But this notion that Lane is far superior is ridiculous. Backups are always the favorite players...until they actually play.

Stupid post is stupid. Backups are favorites until they play?? Lane has played, and has outperformed Neal. He had better stats last year, and he has big play ability, which is something Neal lacks. Neal is a freak athlete, but freak athletes aren't always great position players.

Lane's numbers are inflated?? He played against two of the top defenses in the SEC last year (Alabama and South Carolina) and still averaged over 3ypc against them.

And for the record, I don't think Lane is far superior. But I do think he's superior, for sure.

Also, Neal has had more chances to excel than Lane. He is a year older and has started more games. Neal has had plenty of chances, and hasn't really shown much.
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I really like how there hasn't appeared to have been many "bad" practices. Just a couple areas thru out the course of practice. Or maybe the Dools was just extremely negative cuz it seemed like they would have a good practice then a bad one, about 50/50. Not like that now I'm excited (and hope) these guys have improved. Well duh of course that have; it's a new coach.
Stupid post is stupid. Backups are favorites until they play?? Lane has played, and has outperformed Neal. He had better stats last year, and he has big play ability, which is something Neal lacks. Neal is a freak athlete, but freak athletes aren't always great position players.

Lane's numbers are inflated?? He played against two of the top defenses in the SEC last year (Alabama and South Carolina) and still averaged over 3ypc against them.

And for the record, I don't think Lane is far superior. But I do think he's superior, for sure.

Also, Neal has had more chances to excel than Lane. He is a year older and has started more games. Neal has had plenty of chances, and hasn't really shown much.

As a reply to you both, the running game will be fine BUT will suffer tremedously if teams stack the box because they can't throw worth a poo. If the passing game can keep from being abismal, they have a chance to be in the top half in conference in rushing.
I really like how there hasn't appeared to have been many "bad" practices. Just a couple areas thru out the course of practice. Or maybe the Dools was just extremely negative cuz it seemed like they would have a good practice then a bad one, about 50/50. Not like that now I'm excited (and hope) these guys have improved. Well duh of course that have; it's a new coach.

Actually, Butch has once or twice mentioned bad practices. But he uses words like no intensity, not being consistent, not good, not satisfied, that sort of terminology. He doesn't use charged words or dwell on the negative so this may be why you think he hasn't said anything about "bad" practices when in fact he has. A case of not so much as what is said as it is how it's said.

As a reply to you both, the running game will be fine BUT will suffer tremedously if teams stack the box because they can't throw worth a poo. If the passing game can keep from being abismal, they have a chance to be in the top half in conference in rushing.

I agree with you. I even posted earlier that I thought Neal was finally running with purpose after watching the open practice. I just hate the fan boy attitude towards Neal. It's like people ignore his flaws (going down too easily, not falling forward, dancing around) just because they want him to succeed so badly or something. To further the fanboy attitude, they rag on Marlin Lane. I just don't get it.
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I wanna see one of them just step up and own the spot. Doesn't really matter who to me. I like lane and Neal both. I think they're both more than capable runners if put in the right system. Just wanna see one set themselves apart from the rest.

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