Odds on winning the S.E.C. Championship

By Rooster's reasoning, the numbers in the OP should equal out to 100%. They don't. Heck, the odds for the first four alone equal 120%.

He's confusing statistical odds with betting line odds. You don't write the two the same way.

Did you even read my earlier reply to this same stupid assertion you are making? You are both unable to READ CORRECTLY and also unable to understand. Here was my answer written in the thread above on this topic,READ IT REAL SLOW BAMABOY. Here is a copy of that earlier response to 8188 who claimed his ratios were "odds" but in fact were done backwards. He gave UT 2/5 odds of beating UGA. I corrected him and now you.:

It is simple, but you seem unable to understand it. When you say "the odds" are 2/5 you are saying something much different than you intended. Remember the odds Bama would win a championship?, they were 3/2 or 60% (3 wins/3+2 chances), you divide the number on the left by the total of the numbers to calculate the odds. You confuse odds and probabilities.
Odds are ratios of a player’s chances of losing to his or her chances of winning, or the average frequency of a loss to the average frequency of a win. If a player owns 1 of 4 tickets, his/her probability is 1 in 4 but his/her odds are 3 to 1. That means that there are 3 chances of losing and only 1 chance of winning. To convert odds to probability, take the player’s chance of winning, use it as the numerator and divide by the total number of chances, both winning and losing. For example, if the odds are 4 to 1, the probability equals 1 / (1 + 4) = 1/5 or 20%. Odds of 1 to 1 (50%) are called “evens,”
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Did you even read my earlier reply to this same stupid ascertion you are making? You are both unable to READ CORRECTLY and also unable to understand. Here was my answer written in the thread above on this topic,READ IT REAL SLOW BAMABOY. Here is a copy of that earlier response to 8188 who claimed his ratios were "odds" but in fact were done backwards. He gave UT 2/5 odds of beating UGA. I corrected him and now you.:

It is simple, but you seem unable to understand it. When you say "the odds" are 2/5 you are saying something much different than you intended. Remember the odds Bama would win a championship?, they were 3/2 or 60% (3 wins/3+2 chances), you divide the number on the left by the total of the numbers to calculate the odds. You confuse odds and probabilities.
Odds are ratios of a player’s chances of losing to his or her chances of winning, or the average frequency of a loss to the average frequency of a win. If a player owns 1 of 4 tickets, his/her probability is 1 in 4 but his/her odds are 3 to 1. That means that there are 3 chances of losing and only 1 chance of winning. To convert odds to probability, take the player’s chance of winning, use it as the numerator and divide by the total number of chances, both winning and losing. For example, if the odds are 4 to 1, the probability equals 1 / (1 + 4) = 1/5 or 20%. Odds of 1 to 1 (50%) are called “evens,”

Those kinds of odds are applicaple to table games. They do not apply to situation like the OP. If one were to bet on Alabama, one does not go into that bet with a 60% chance of winning.
Those kinds of odds are applicaple to table games. They do not apply to situation like the OP. If one were to bet on Alabama, one does not go into that bet with a 60% chance of winning.

Give it up,

You are embarrassing yourself already.
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Hmm......I think UT can beat any of those SEC east teams with better odds than us. If by some miracle everything did fall right though I can't see us doing well in the SEC title game though.
Hmm......I think UT can beat any of those SEC east teams with better odds than us. If by some miracle everything did fall right though I can't see us doing well in the SEC title game though.

3rd Saturday in October should be your first major clue.
Roosters arrogance is adorable.


So is your grasp of the conversation. It was you afterall that started this whole bloody thing with that nonsense you tried to pass off as legitimate.
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So is your grasp of the conversation. It was you afterall that started this whole bloody thing with that nonsense you tried to pass off as legitimate.

There was nothing wrong with logic, except that I put that we played auburn as opposed to ole miss. Everything else was fairly accurate.
There was nothing wrong with logic, except that I put that we played auburn as opposed to ole miss. Everything else was fairly accurate.

Sigh......as simply as I can say this 8188, you were talking in probabilities, not odds, and my main point was that you misused the term odds, hence why you find all your quotes with the term odds highlighted. It cannot be assigned to ratios that describe probabilities. Odds are different, calculated differently. I have written the reason why many many times now and shown the math, you cannot or will not comprehend. I am sorry. Drop the word odds from your analysis or reverse the ratios and do the correct math. Really, you say you are a math man, ok, suck it up and read my posts, if you cannot grasp it you are middle school math at best.

The final point we never mention about your original analysis is the arbitrary ratios you assign which have no true meaning, just a gut feeling on your part. And the independence of events needed in that scenario does not exist for your math to be factual. You know this now, though you are stubborn and refuse to admit when you are wrong.
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8188, do not embarrass UT nation by thinking that Bamaboy has any points or merit to his discussion, he does not. And yes, you missed the initial point as well, but if you want to join the Bamaboy camp of wrong, well OK, but you know now the truth. You choose. I can educate some more azz if you prefer, but I prefer it to be Bama azz.
GrowVol has the answers, really. Dude is full of answers. He can explain the difference between probabilities and statistics versus odds...let's watch now for his worldly view and answer on this topic....really, he says he has input...

Oh I have no doubt he will give insight into this statistical topic,
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Growvol, you contribute in many ways, some you have no idea about, but contribute you do.

Dude,I was just being sarcastic. I was intergecting humor to bring lightheartedness after reading above posts....posts which corrected a bama troll factually made by yourself.Apologies.....contribute/fight on my friend
Oh I have no doubt he will give insight into this statistical topic, he seems full of reason and knowledge. Cannot wait....come now, bring it forth GrowVol, show us thy wisdom son, enlighten us now. In plain words, try me. You want me? Ok, bring it, I will embarrass your ass. You have no idea what you are facing. Me? I know exactly what I am facing, a bafoon.

You win....take your meds....
Dude,I was just being sarcastic. I was intergecting humor to bring lightheartedness after reading above posts....posts which corrected a bama troll factually made by yourself.Apologies.....contribute/fight on my friend
Yeah my bad, missed the intent, you played it right and I was off base. Apologize. Your message should have been clear. Apologize for the misunderstanding, I was being a dunce. My apologies GrowVol, I was off on your intent, not too proud to fess up to it.
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Yeah my bad, missed the intent, you played it right and I was off base. Apologize. Your message should have been clear. Apologize for the misunderstanding, I was being a dunce.

Its all good. Enjoyed reading posts which bamatroll couldnt refute...thx

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