(VolinArizona @ Jun 5 said:
I almost think Phil has gotten a tad apathetic in the last 4-5 seasons. From the sounds of it, he isn't as hands on lately, which to me sounds like laziness, or more appropriately ... apathy.
i can agree with this to a point...CPF has always been more of an administrator as a HC than anything else. I've always said he's a much better manager than he is an x's and o's guy. He needs good people around him, and the last few years, some of the position coaches weren't that.
And as such, there is a tendancy for a guy like CPF to have a "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" attitude. And even though all of us have seen things over the past 5 years or so that made us think we weren't up to snuff, we were still beating Bama, UF, and even beat UGA on the road in 04. also went to the SEC CG twice in that 5 year span, and we were still going to New Years day bowls...thougth we only won the citrus in 01 and Cotton in 04, we still weren't "out of the mix" to paraphrase CPF.
But thru all of that it was painfully obvious to most of us not everything was right on the Hill. But to CPF, the attitude was more like, if we can twek this or that, it will put us back on top, cause we aren't that far off even with it not being all that great.
then last year hit. all the things we have noticed and wondered about came to a head, and we had one of those years that forced the coach to re evaluate just about everything. Would we have all liked that to happen before we had to suffer thru a 5-6 season? yes. Should it have been done? yes.
but the bottom line is it got done. Not on the time line most of us would like granted, but it got done nonetheless.
But here's the real problem for CPF. We've all seen it tank now. We all know, or have reasonable opinions of, why and who was responsible. CPF knows this as well, despite the things he says publicly, i have to think that privately he understands exactly what's on the line now.
all the changes that have been made, the coaches brought in etc....they are all his decisions as to what is best for this program and what will get us back to where we are supposed to be. The problem is that after a 5-6 season when you are pre season #3, the leash is much shorter. If we come out and tank again this season, there won't be anywhere else to point the finger. On the same token, if we come out and win 9-10 games, it should be also said that CPF made the correct changes and get the credit for doing so.
either way, this season is every important to the future of CPF's tenure at TN. I still don't think he gets the boot after this season, but winning 7-8 games will not ease the tension on his position either. To me, he has to get at least 9 wins to get some sort of releif from the hot seat. anything less is viewed as average at best, and rightfully so. And in his own words, we should be competing for SEC championships, and you can't do that by stringing together 12-13 wins in consecutive seasons.
I too have no probelm with criticism, at this point, there's only two things to talk about: criticisim of the program and hope for the future of it. people have said it before, CPF is not bigger than the program, and in that light, i don't have a problem with any criticism of the direction of the program right now. But at the same time, if CPF is the coach of the program, and he gets it fixed, he shouldn't go anywhere, just as if he doesn't, and it's time to bring in someone that can fix it, and i'll support that guy just the same.