It is very obvious that our guards suffer offensively because of Warlick's antiquated "we must get the ball inside on every possession" obsession. The key to a good offense is everybody moving, setting screens, crisp, quick passing. THAT is what takes defenders out of position, or leaves one of our players open--whether it is Russell/Graves 5 feet from the basket or Carter 15/20 feet from the basket. And then the open player shoots the ball--and shoots it confidently. But we do not do this. We are obsessed with getting the ball to our bigs every time down the floor, and this is why our passing sux, why our guards are stagnant, and why I think they lack confidence. The only guard who doesn't lack confidence is Cooper, because she's new and hasn't had Warlick's get the ball inside mantra drilled into her head for months. We don't involve EVERYBODY in the offense, we involve two people, and that is why our offense suffers. You'd think that Warlick would have watched UConn play offense on tape a few times--and taken note of that team's excellent passing, ball movement and shooting, which along with good defense is a key to their success.