After taking a look back I don't see any trend. Last week the series started on Thursday and Nick, our Friday guy just out pitched their Friday guy and we won.
Versus Vandy if you recall, Tyler Beede had been losing on Friday nights and their fans were as dumbfounded as some here seem to be. He out pitched us, the following players had no hits...Simcox, Price, Maggio, Houser and VJAX...we lost 6-4 and Taylor Smart had 4 RBI's....
Versus SC, Williams actually kept us even through 7 innings, but Bettencourt gave up a run in a 14 inning 3-2 loss and their relievers gave up none...I mean, that's not bad baseball and South Carolina was ranked where back then?
I could keep going, but I don't think there is going to be some common denominator that flips the switch for us or them...
I will say this...some of you former baseball players/coaches, interested in your thoughts...It seems like to me, the top of our order wastes the first at bat. Something about the approach, like they all wait for the first strike, very patient...I'm sure I'm not explaining it just doesn't seem like we get real good at bats the first time through.