I need a new book. I'm in to sports, history and war any recommendations?
I just finished up 'A Few Acres of Snow' about the French and Indian War, pretty good read. Also "The Dark and Bloody River" about the post-Revolution colonization of the Ohio River Valley, the Indian Wars, and such was pretty darn good. Those are ones i read recently and hence are off the top of my head.
"The Lost Symbol" by Dan Brown is a pretty interesting reading. I would recommend it
Really, you would recommend it? It seemed everyone who I talked to viewed it in a negative light. And Ive talked to a dozen or so people who had read it and they all say the same thing ; Dan Brown's narration of the novel is like reading a screen play for the movie adaptation. That I'm not interested in. I was also told by several people who read the book that it was entertaining, but also repetitive, boring, and far too drawn out in it's prose, especially in it's descriptive prose. An employee at a book store I shop at said it was the worst book he's read this year. So, I have to ask, is there anything in particular that you liked about the book, besides that is was entertaining? I was very close to handing over $15 for it up until I was told by the employee at the book store that it was the worst book he's read all year.
I read The Lost Symbol and I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as The Davinci Code. It was still an interesting read, but a bit more "geeky" than I cared for. With "Code" the dots were easier to connect, and the story seemed a bit more plausible, where in "Symbol" it requires more suspension of disbelief in order to follow the story due to it talking about "noetics" (is that even a real science?) and lots of physics/metaphysics mumbo-jumbo. With my varied tastes, I also recently read Meat Market, the inside story about college football recruiting. Learned alot about Coach O's methods. I read A Season On Rocky Top which is Clay Travis' chronicle of the 2008 season. It was decent. Currently reading Light Blue Reign which covers the history of the North Carolina Tarheels, basketball of course! Two more book recommendations I'd make for the sports fan are:
1- Blue Blood It's the history of the UNC/Duke rivalry. You don't have to be a fan of either team to enjoy the book, but it would give you "outsiders" a peek at what makes it, IMO, the best rivalry in sports.
2- Where Football Is King: A History Of The SEC An excellent read about SEC football in general, with several quotes and stories about the various rivalries. Good stuff.