I've spent a lot of time reading literature of all varieties and am man enough to admit that I've read every Harry Potter book cover to cover. The books are extremely well written and very clever.
I'll be the first to raise my hand as not "pretty cool"
I've heard about this book. Would you say it's a difficult read?
I think the Dan Brown book is actually Angels and Demons, which puts DaVinci Code to shame.In addition to my Bible, and some very boring books published in Redmond, WA...
I am a big fan of Goodkind's Sword of Truth Series (Wizard's First Rule...)
I just finished reading Demons and Angles by Dan Brown and Velocity by Dean Koontz.
angels and demons is much much better than Davinci.....i would love to see that book made in to a movie.....very cool book. Davinci was good too, really disapointed in the movie, they left a lot out.
i'm a clancy fan also....some of the op center books are very good. and i'm fairly fascinated with the Navy, specifically submarine warfare. there's one book that is non fiction, called "in harm's way" about the USS Indianaoplis, and it's sinking after it delivered the bomb. Great book, one of the best i've ever read. there's another book called "The Shark Mutiny" that sort of reminds me of the movie "Crimson Tide"....pretty interesting as well.
I like Thomas Harris too. Hannabil was great, and i was so disappointed in the movie....the book was truly much, much better.
Just finished up the last harry potter book a few days ago, and i absolutely love them. people who say they are gay and are books that only losers read really irritate me. first, go read some of the books, not watch the movies. the movies are a terrible impression. i bet after reading the first few you won't be able to put it down. all i did for 2 days was read the 7th one.