That is a load of crap. We pay billions..every most of the countries on this planet. Everyone has their hand out to the US. That lady crying and blaming the US, for paying money IN THE 40S AND 1950S did not make the entire continent of europe become a bunch of socialist ninnies and give away all of their individual countries rights. Stupid author, stupid article.
Furthermore, even after they all were dumb enough to join the EU, they STILL couldnt defend themselves, which is the ONLY reason that we would have ever wanted an EU, so hopefully they could FINALLY defend themselves from Russia...but no. They still just cant seem to pull that off, and expect us to not only defend them, but finance the majority of NATO and the UN to make sure they dont get run over by the Russians, even after we won the cold war. Sheesh.
Thst is a fine example of misdirected hostility(311) as we all know that if the Brits have anyone to be upset with for their plight, besides themselves, it is their inept leadership. France citizens are tearing their country apart every should be the Britons throwing every single MP and their PM out in the streets. They should start over with the condition that their replacements would ALSO ALL be tossed out on their arses in 90 days if a deal with the EU wasnt in hand, and Brexit underway.
So tired of the US getting blamed for everything...Pacer might as well have written that garbage. We have made plenty of mistakes as a country, the greatest being to allow our leaders to pass budgets that exceed revenue, that should never happen except in times when congress has declared war and the money is needed for the war effort. That said, we are the greatest country in the world, many if not most countries outside Europe would not even exist without our protection, their neighbors would simply overpower them and take their resources. Yet those same pissant countries constantly blame us for everything. Tired of that crap. Trump may be a buffoon, but he is a proud American and doesnt shy away from conflict, or get run over by foreign leaders like gayboy obummer did.