Pretty much every basketball analyst in the country makes the same point about Duke and whether they can come together at the right time. Have you missed all of that or just tried to ignore it?
Congrats Heels on the win. To be honest I'm the least interested in the ACC Tournament I've ever been. I just want Allen and Jefferson to be healthy for a six game run. We'll see what happens.
That was a good game Saturday. I haven't paid much attention to Giles this year, but he looked really bad. I know he's coming off a significant injury...I'm just wondering what type of advice he's receiving. I think he would be better off to have not played at all this year.
Also, once every generation or so there is a Duke player who, despite every shred of self-respecting decency that I have, I just can't help but like as a player. Grant Hill is one that comes to mind. Luke Kennard fits into that category. He's just a great player. He doesn't whine when a call goes against him. He doesn't act like a punk when things don't go his way. I just wish he played for a different team!
This team needs more from Grayson right now. Not scoring is just unacceptable. He should be great in the 6th man role or even taking some of Matt's minutes. He's gotta step it up.
On the bright side, the beginning to middle of the second half this team showed exactly what it's capable of. Hopefully we can see more of that.