Hausfather also points out a glaring error in the Mail on Sunday article that illustrates its authors lack of knowledge. The article includes a graph of both the NOAA and UK Met Office records. The NOAA data appears to be roughly 0.1°C warmer than the UK Met Office data across the entire time spansupposedly evidence of flawed NOAA data showing higher temperatures. Apart from the fact that a constant offset would have no impact on temperature trends, the offset is simply a mistake. The numbers in the two datasets are calculated relative to different baselinesthe 1901-2000 average for NOAA, and the 1961-1990 average for the Met Office. Once you put them on a common baseline, the differences largely disappear.
The Mail on Sunday updated the caption to note that the datasets are offset in temperature by 0.12°C due to different analysis techniques, but the graph remains unchanged. And it's not clear how many Mail readers will understand the importance of this offset.