Official Gramps' Memorial Eternal OT Thread

Never have liked hot-foots, it's either wide open or stopped. No in between.
A) when operating the death trap both hands belong on the wheel. Period. I have blinker trim and jack plate control too
B) if you didn’t drive barges which only have two speeds, OFF and GO, you’d understand the need for points in between. There I said it.
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We used to frequent Peg's Keg at 16-17 and load up. As Peg used to say, u old enough to drive, old enough to drink. lol..A different era.
My wife was talking about in the 80's her dad would buy beer on Fridays and drink it while driving to and from whatever restaurant they were going to. Of course then a DUI was .15 so you'd have to be pretty shithoused to even qualify.
My wife was talking about in the 80's her dad would buy beer on Fridays and drink it while driving to and from whatever restaurant they were going to. Of course then a DUI was .15 so you'd have to be pretty shithoused to even qualify.

Old baseball coach I used to ride to and from practice with would drink Miller High Life on the way to practice and red-eyes on the way home. I'd hold his beer because his old truck didn't have cup holders.
My wife was talking about in the 80's her dad would buy beer on Fridays and drink it while driving to and from whatever restaurant they were going to. Of course then a DUI was .15 so you'd have to be pretty shithoused to even qualify.

I moved to Tyler TX 25 years ago or so...Moved from Mooresville, NC there..quite a long trip. Get there and within minutes of arriving just realized I moved to a dry county..Well relatively alcohol sold in stores.. But you could go to bars, just had to be a "Member" and have a member card. If you were not a memeber you could buy a "Universal" card for a small fee. that was accecpted at most places. Talk about weird.

Literally could go to a bar and drink and drive home, but no where to purchase and take home. Of course, everyone would drive across county lines and at the line would be the biggest stores you ever saw at the time. Ohhh the weekly 1-1/2 hour trips across Lake Palestine to load up with your own and everyones elses orders.
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I grew up at Hickory Star. Other side of the lake I think.

Same curvy road.

1st time we were on Norris we decided to run down to the dam from Flat Hollow. Nice leisurely 30mph ish cruise, about an hour or so in I checked to see how much further and we weren't even halfway there. I didn't realize just how big that lake was.
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It’s still beautiful. Whenever I go home I always try to at least get to see it. My sister still lives in our parents house so it’s a no brainer to go by the lake

I used to go in all those TVA dams and have been to Norris, Probably 80% of them..As an engineer you would be impressed. So freakin heavy duty.
I wonder one day though, replacement will be necessary, like for concrete growth like the locks. Cant imagine the costs.
I moved to Tyler TX 25 years ago or so...Moved from Mooresville, NC there..quite a long trip. Get there and within minutes of arriving just realized I moved to a dry county..Well relatively alcohol sold in stores.. But you could go to bars, just had to be a "Member" and have a member card. If you were not a memeber you could buy a "Universal" card for a small fee. that was accecpted at most places. Talk about weird.

Literally could go to a bar and drink and drive home, but no where to purchase and take home. Of course, everyone would drive across county lines and at the line would be the biggest stores you ever saw at the time. Ohhh the weekly 1-1/2 hour trips across Lake Palestine to load up with your own and everyones elses orders.
Wife's parents lived in a county like that in Texas. There were gas stations at the county line on every road selling beer. That'll show em.
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I used to go in all those TVA dams and have been to Norris, Probably 80% of them..As an engineer you would be impressed. So freakin heavy duty.
I wonder one day though, replacement will be necessary, like for concrete growth like the locks. Cant imagine the costs.
They just got done cutting a 1/2" line down the face of Chickamauga to relieve concrete growth. They're enlarging the locks for capacity but also because they were starting to get deformed by the dam.
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They just got done cutting a 1/2" line down the face of Chickamauga to relieve concrete growth. They're enlarging the locks for capacity but also because they were starting to get deformed by the dam.

I have never heard of deformation as an issue, but I am not "locked" in..pun intended.
I actually received a "town hall" phone call from Chuck Fleischman one evening, which I have posted on here before. I pointed out that the outlays for rebuilding Chickamuga will have to be extended for all the other dams downstream to at least the Tombigbee for this to be a viable long term. He seemed more concerned what it did for Chatt.
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I have never heard of deformation as an issue, but I am not "locked" in..pun intended.
I actually received a "town hall" phone call from Chuck Fleischman one evening, which I have posted on here before. I pointed out that the outlays for rebuilding Chickamuga will have to be extended for all the other dams downstream to at least the Tombigbee for this to be a viable long term. He seemed more concerned what it did for Chatt.
I mean I think it's always been touted as a big boon to the economy but I think they've had problems on multiple occasions with the lock doors getting bound up and that's a result of the concrete growing and torqueing the locks.
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I didn’t have trouble. Progressive picked me right up no problem. Had other options too.

Just found it funny Farmer’s wouldn’t touch me. And when you stop and think about it they’ve kinda got a point!

Well, they know a thing or two, and don't need you to add to their accumulated experience. I have to admit deer in high gear having a party on your boat when an orbiting hot water heater drops in would be fascinating though.
I think CNN needs to do a story on what white homeless people think of their privilege.
My white alternative high school student who has been bounced around 38 different foster homes since he was 3 could really use some of that privilege if anyone knows where they hand that **** out...

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