My hometown !! Lived there from birth until 25. It was nice way back when.
Trivia about our town square. The statue is Confederate General Hatton. He is facing a different direction than other statues. All War of Northern Aggression war statues are supposed to be facing north - the enemy. But Hatton is facing west toward Nashville, because that is where the Yankees came from to Lebanon. (The Yanks actually marched right past where my home would be years later on Hiway 70). He has a huge spire in the cemetery. Also, at football homecoming, we would climb it and paint his face.
WTF is going on, google claiming its accessed alternate universes and CNN reporting theres been a halt to all mirror research due to unprecedented risks
WTF is going on, google claiming its accessed alternate universes and CNN reporting theres been a halt to all mirror research due to unprecedented risks