Official Jon Gruden Thread 33

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Saturday, September 8, 2018...over 104,000 in attendence at Neyland Stadium...there is a different type wind swirling around Knoxville, the likes that fans have not felt in 20 years...suddenly, the band lines separate, the Power T is goes begin to look around, the stadium goes deathly silent...then a low rumble starts, rumbling sounds begin to increase, it sounds like the begining of the song "Thuderstruck"?...what is happening? It is getting louder, and louder, then it is no longer that familiar AC/DC tune, someway, somehow, it transitioned to our beloved Rocky Top just as our Tennessee Volunteers rush onto the field led by COACH Jon Gruden...then we all finally realize once and for all...It is FOOTBALL TIME in Tennessee (CHAMPIONSHIP STYLE)!
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Where do you stand on timing of announcement?

I think it happens quick, because I believe Gruden is ready. I think his agent has had his ducks in a row for some time. I don't think there is any real concern over the optics because I think everyone forgets Butch ever existed after the announcement.
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She is stable again. It's the second time the hospice nurse has told my cousin it is a matter of hours. This is so hard for her. Thank you for asking.

I've been in your cousin's shoes a couple of times. It is just so hard. I'm thinking if all of you.
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It’s amazing how some will treat others just to be perceived as right, I mean who gives a **** if we turn out to be wrong? At least I’ve exposed the true from the mendacity amongst these second rate fools. No better than mike Hamilton imo. I mean , helll fire, how much suckitude does one have to endure to get pisssed and start demanding competency? Invest some damn money on your loyal fans for Gods sake. Haters screaming pipe dream tell me one thing, that they have no balls. Sad!


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Hopefully the offensive talent shines. Scott coaching for his future now.

Everyones always cussed and said "fire the OC" but our offense has been the same conservative crap under Butch. No matter who the OC was. If not for Dobbs, we would have never scored half the points we did. I think if Dobbs would have had any other HC he would have been a National Champ. And i think he will be very successful in the NFL. Took him out of the mix and the bricks came tumbling down.
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She is stable again. It's the second time the hospice nurse has told my cousin it is a matter of hours. This is so hard for her. Thank you for asking.

Sorry, Volly. I had not caught that in the past. Thoughts and prayers are with you.

I had to make the decision on Life Support for my Father in June. I just hope that she passes peacefully into God's arms.
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Does anyone really think we won't have a deal with someone within 5 weeks? I am not sure this is that big of a deal.

It just shows that Currie almost definitely already has someone locked up if he's guaranteeing Adrian that there will be a new coach by Dec. 20. Yes I think that's something.
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Grude morning Grudenville!

Exciting times for us are ahead! Stay strong, hold the course, and I can't wait for the announcement. I'm thinking something the morning of the SEC championship for maximum effect.

Do y'all remember THamilton. Showed up in XXI dropping bombs. Gave his twitter handle and everything to prove who he was. Also claimed he ran in the Honors circles. Did he ever post again after that? I wonder if he got in trouble with his source?
I don't think there is any real concern over the optics because I think everyone forgets Butch ever existed after the announcement.

There are some, even me sometimes, that just can't comprehend how big this will be.

Yea, Butch who?
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Do y'all remember THamilton. Showed up in XXI dropping bombs. Gave his twitter handle and everything to prove who he was. Also claimed he ran in the Honors circles. Did he ever post again after that? I wonder if he got in trouble with his source?

I don't recall him claiming to run in the honors circle.
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