They report what they are told. Who cares if they are wrong. What's important is what we all agree on. A great coach at Tennessee. If it's Stoops, Gruden, mora, or strawberry shortcake. Who cares!!! We all want Tennessee to be relevant again. When we get the next coach, as long as it isn't golden, fisher, or Dykes, let's get behind him. He might be the next biggest thing. Mullen, strong, mora, STOOOPS, Gruden? Whatever. I just want Tennessee to be relevant again. And all you low life FF scum coming in this thread disrupting our positive vibe... Go to hell. We had a good thing going. If you don't think it's Gruden, then go to the coaches thread that you support. Why come in here taking a dump on peoples beliefs?????? Take your negative bull **** somewhere else. This thread was great until today. Only takes a few pieces of garbage to infect a trash can. Once again supporting everyones views in here why we got away from that place. (FF)